Support Khari's Calls: Free Infant CPR Kits
Donation protected
Background: On March 8, 2024, 3-month-old Khari Oramae Burns passed away suddenly. As her parents performed CPR and called 911 emergency hotline, the call kept ringing and going to voicemail. No parent should ever call for help and not be able to reach dispatch. When the paramedics arrived, the attendant walked slowly down the hall with Khari and didn’t breathe into her. Emergency professionals should use their best ability to save lives with haste and accuracy. The autopsy results shared that Khari passed away from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SUID).
Goal: Khari’s Calls goal is to give free Infant CPR kits and have free Infant CPR training workshops at least 3 times a year across Georgia and hopefully in the future, we can branch out into other states. So far we have given out 74 free kits since June 2024. We are raising funds to be able to order more CPRWraps and handle mail-out logistics. We are also pushing for an Infant Emergency Hotline. Through Khari’s Calls, Khari’s legacy will live on, and many lives will be saved.
Brittany Burns
Atlanta, GA