Support Kids Hope Charity
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Hello :) My name is Rebecca Lemaster, and I am seeking help for my friend Stuart Kuwangula and the children in his care at Kids Hope Charity, a nonprofit charity ministry and orphanage for orphans, widows, and children in hardship, ministering the love of Jesus in their community in Mayuge District, Uganda. If anyone is able, and willing, to support them with any amount of funding for necessary needs - food, clothes, paying off pending bills, mattresses, fees to help cover the children's education, and other necessities needed for a safe and healthy life, we greatly appreciate all the love, support, and blessings shared with these precious children. We invite you to join us on this journey of life together, in a family brought together by our God and Lord, Jesus Christ. We welcome and thank you so much for any and all support offered and given in prayer, donations, and/or sharing this mission with others in your circle. We are thankful for your love and support and pray the Lord's blessings upon each and every one of you. <3 :)
All funds donated are being transferred to Stuart by way of World Remit to his mobile wallet. If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. Thank you and God bless! :) <3
Kids Hope Charity Organization About the Founder:
Hi my name is Stuart Kuwangula, I am 21 years of age and I am the founder of Kids Hope Charity Organization. I was born in Uganda and lost my Mother at Birth. I suffered many trials as a young boy and at a young age found myself living on the streets of Uganda as an orphan. Life was hard on the streets and I experienced the loss of a dear friend whilst living on the streets. A street preacher used to come by each day and minister to people. I found myself drawn to Him and to The Word of God. A little while later the very same preacher, a Pastor stopped with me one day and asked if I wanted to get off the streets. Of course I said yes and was raised for some time within His Church. This is where I first experienced the unconditional love of God, and the people at the Church whom raised me. It is here I learnt about the love of God, Our Saviour Jesus Christ and His love for me. I became a follower of Jesus Christ. I returned to my Community some years later and saw that the lack of education and financial aid was still causing a great amount of Children to be left abandoned as orphans. Being an orphan myself I felt my heart break and realized that this was what God had called me to do. I approached Our Community Chairman and proposed an idea for and orphanage. Needless to say here I am now, beginning the journey with God and these dearly beloved children, striving to make a huge difference and change a cycle for the better in my community.
Kids Hope Charity Mission Statement
To bring the Love of God and Jesus Christ to all people by the way of Hope, Love and Safety to orphans in Uganda and within Our Community. We strive to serve God and Christ with love, obedience, diligence and above all unwavering faith. Our mission is to see the 35 children currently in Our care receive Gods love through Christ Jesus, a sound education, food, shelter, Christian Parental guidance and unconditional love. I truly believe that with the help of Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ we can change the cycle of poverty and create a place of Hope for Orphans in Uganda. I believe that We as Brothers and Sisters in Christ can all stand together to ensure these dear children are taught the meaning of love for others and be loved. To feel safe and empowered for a positive future. I believe that not one child should be left to suffer and dedicate myself to assist in any way I can, as many orphans, continuing into the next generations to come. Your faithful Brother in Christ, Stuart Kuwangula

For more information and/or to get in contact with Stuart directly, please visit the Kids Hope Charity website :)

Rebecca Lemaster
Hebron, OH