Support legal defense funds for Kevin Nanga!
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Our kind and beloved Kevin Nanga urgently needs your support. An unfortunate altercation in January 2022 was the cause of his arrest which we ardently defend. Unfortunately, the legal costs weigh heavily on the family and your support will be humbly appreciated. Please, would you consider making a donation to reunite Kevin with his family again but also to allow him to pursue his education and his dream of being a professional athlete?
Kevin is just a highly ambitious 17-year-old boy. Measuring almost 7 feet and a renowned basketball player from Douglasville High School in Douglasville, Georgia, he is the pride of his high school, his coach and his teammates who appreciate him very much. The whole family is also proud of Kevin, who aims not only for a memorable sports career but also for some well-deserved academic success. Unfortunately, everything changed a few days after 2022 start.
One of these days, after his daily routine, Kevin went to the Mall with some friends to watch a movie. Inadvertently, a clash between a young group of kids (including Kevin) caused another young boy knocked out on the ground. The latter by the grace of God is well today. On the other hand and to everyone's surprise, a squad of police officers went to the Nanga's home 3 weeks later with an arrest warrant for our little Kevin. The Nanga family wasn't at home then. However, as soon as they were made aware of the warrant and being of good faith, they immediately decided to take him to the police station to respect the delivered warrant. But since then, the treatment of our dear Kevin has left the family in unbridled anguish that breaks their hearts: 17-year-old Kevin was immediately taken into custody that day. Moreover, the family found him chained up like a criminal the next day. Kevin was immediately sent to prison by the judge, who totally refused his request for provisional release.
The Nanga family is devastated by this series of unfortunate and repugnant events towards their brave son, but doesn't give up and will fight until the last second for his immediate release. Unfortunately, the expenses necessary for his defense are far beyond the modest means of this young family. We therefore implore your generosity to meet the legal needs to free our dear and brave Kevin, for whom we have so much affection.
Thank you so much for your support in these difficult times and let's fight together to reunite Kevin and his family.
Let’s bring Kevin home.
Thank you so very much for your support and prayers!!!
(French Version Below)
Our kind and beloved Kevin Nanga urgently needs your support. An unfortunate altercation in January 2022 was the cause of his arrest which we ardently defend. Unfortunately, the legal costs weigh heavily on the family and your support will be humbly appreciated. Please, would you consider making a donation to reunite Kevin with his family again but also to allow him to pursue his education and his dream of being a professional athlete?
Kevin is just a highly ambitious 17-year-old boy. Measuring almost 7 feet and a renowned basketball player from Douglasville High School in Douglasville, Georgia, he is the pride of his high school, his coach and his teammates who appreciate him very much. The whole family is also proud of Kevin, who aims not only for a memorable sports career but also for some well-deserved academic success. Unfortunately, everything changed a few days after 2022 start.
One of these days, after his daily routine, Kevin went to the Mall with some friends to watch a movie. Inadvertently, a clash between a young group of kids (including Kevin) caused another young boy knocked out on the ground. The latter by the grace of God is well today. On the other hand and to everyone's surprise, a squad of police officers went to the Nanga's home 3 weeks later with an arrest warrant for our little Kevin. The Nanga family wasn't at home then. However, as soon as they were made aware of the warrant and being of good faith, they immediately decided to take him to the police station to respect the delivered warrant. But since then, the treatment of our dear Kevin has left the family in unbridled anguish that breaks their hearts: 17-year-old Kevin was immediately taken into custody that day. Moreover, the family found him chained up like a criminal the next day. Kevin was immediately sent to prison by the judge, who totally refused his request for provisional release.
The Nanga family is devastated by this series of unfortunate and repugnant events towards their brave son, but doesn't give up and will fight until the last second for his immediate release. Unfortunately, the expenses necessary for his defense are far beyond the modest means of this young family. We therefore implore your generosity to meet the legal needs to free our dear and brave Kevin, for whom we have so much affection.
Thank you so much for your support in these difficult times and let's fight together to reunite Kevin and his family.
Let’s bring Kevin home.
Thank you so very much for your support and prayers!!!
(French Version Below)
Très cher(e),
Notre aimable et dévoué Kevin Nanga a urgemment besoin de votre soutien. Une malheureuse altercation qui a eu lieu au mois de janvier 2022 a été la cause de son arrestation que nous défendons ardemment. Hélas, les frais de justice pèsent lourd sur la famille et votre soutien sera humblement apprécié. S’il vous plait, envisageriez vous de faire un don pour à nouveau réunir Kevin avec sa famille et aussi lui permettre de poursuivre ses études et son rêve d’athlete ?
Kevin n'est qu'un garçon de 17 ans avec des ambitions assez louables. Mesurant près de 2m et basketteur de renom de Douglasville High School à Douglasville en Géorgie, il fait la fierté de son lycée, de son entraîneur et de ses coéquipiers qui l'apprécient beaucoup. Toute la famille est également fière de Kevin, qui ambitionne non seulement une carrière sportive mémorable mais aussi une réussite scolaire méritée. Malheureusement, tout a basculé quelques jours après le début de l'année 2022.
En effet, après sa routine quotidienne, Kevin s'est rendu au Mall avec des amis pour voir un film. Par inadvertance, un accrochage entre jeunes (dont Kevin) a fait tomber un autre garçon au sol. Ce dernier par la grâce de Dieu va bien aujourd'hui et s'est remis de sa chute. Par contre, à la surprise générale, une escouade de policiers s'est rendue au domicile des Nanga 3 semaines plus tard avec un mandat d'arrêt contre notre petit Kevin. N'étant pas à la maison à ce moment-là et étant de bonne foi, les parents Nanga ont décidé de l'emmener au commissariat dès son retour. Mais depuis lors, le traitement de notre cher Kevin laisse la famille dans une angoisse effrénée qui brise leur coeur : Le jeune Kevin de 17 ans a été immédiatement placé en garde à vue ce jour la; pire encore, la famille l'a retrouvé enchaîné comme un vulgaire criminel le lendemain. Kevin a été immédiatement envoyé en prison par le juge, qui a totalement refusé sa demande de liberté provisoire.
La famille Nanga est dévastée par cette série d'événements malheureux et répugnants à l'égard de leur brave fils, mais ne baisse pas les bras et se battra jusqu'à la dernière seconde pour sa libération immédiate. Malheureusement les dépenses nécessaires à sa défense sont largement au-dessus des modestes moyens de cette famille. Nous implorons ainsi votre générosité pour répondre aux besoins légaux afin de libérer notre cher et brave Kevin, pour qui nous avons tant d'affection.
Merci infiniment pour votre soutien dans ces moments difficiles et battons nous pour gagner ce combat.
S’il vous plaît, aidez-nous à ramener Kevin à la maison.
Merci infiniment pour votre soutient et vos prieres!!!
Organizer and beneficiary
Achille Tengou
Dallas, GA
Paul Nanga