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Support Librarie Racines/Soutien pour Racines!

Spende geschützt
Racines, a grassroots community-run bookstore in Montreal-Nord, needs your support!


Gabrielle Kinté, the owner of the store  was forced to leave the first location before the end of the lease due to intolerable conditions (see video of constant leaking water) and had to move to a new space. Yet the landlords of the old space, despite its untenable conditions, are now suing for thousands and now we are collecting money for legal support so that the bookstore can continue to operate. 


This bookstore is so much more than a bookstore, it is a community space, a family space, featuring all books  from & about people of colour. It is located in Montreal-Nord, the poorest neighbourhood in Quebec and also home to brilliant  wildly diverse peoples from Haitian, North African and LatinX peoples.

edit: we are so grateful and honoured for the incredible support so far! Should the collected money go over what is required for legal fees, it will go towards  helping the library pursue its mission in the new space: books, materials and other necessities.

Nos aspirations :

- développer une collection spécialisée de livres, zines, etc.

- être un espace pour les artistes racisé.e.s afin de réaliser des performances ou des expositions.

- être un espace de mobilisation citoyenne sur les enjeux qui touchent nos communautés

 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/racinesmontreal/

 Le Devoir: https://www.ledevoir.com/lire/548076/racines-une-librairie-a-montreal-nord 



  • Marie-Pier-Andrée Simard
    • $20
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Robyn Maynard
Montréal-Nord, QC
Gabriella Garbeau

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt