Support Mayan Families in Greater Boston
Mayans without Borders is a group of indigenous organizers that have set up an emergency fund to help Mayans and non-Mayan immigrants in MA affected by the Covid-19 crisis. We have begun setting up a support network-- with funding, resources and knowledge-- to help our Mayan communities here in the Greater Boston area. The families we work with are suffering from unemployment and unable meet their immediate needs for food and safety supplies (masks and disinfectants). Many of these families have been left out of the stimulus package and fell through the cracks of support.
The core team is composed of Erika Perez (Milton), Lucia Mateo (New Bedford), Vivian Lopez, Lucrecia Juarez, Romeo Esteban, Mirna de Leon, Elaida Solis, Alfredo Esteban Nolasco (lynn), Carolina Perez Angel (Beverly) Julio Ramirez (Boston), Mariola Perez (Salem) and Elizabeth Ferry (Brookline).
We have actively responded to the crisis -- we have been delivering food, diapers, masks, disinfectant and information to about 200 indigenous migrant families (with varying levels of need), since the Governor declared a state of emergency. We serve Mayan families in East Boston, Chelsea, Everett, Lynn, Lawrence, Methuen and New Bedford. We are using our network of skilled seamstresses to make masks and have been providing materials so we can support our network with them.
Through our previous work with organizations, we have been successful in getting diapers from Jobs With Justice and receiving meat from The Farm School. Other friends and family members in our network have donated money for maseca, rice, beans, pasta and vegetables.
Access to information in native languages is critical; therefore, we have set up a hotline that can give people timely information in Spanish, and the Mayan languages of Mam and Quiche. We staff this hotline and respond to all calls within 24 hours giving care, support and accurate guidance to resources and medical information.
We are also making informational videos about health, housing, and emergency funds. For instance, we have recorded videos with the Chief of Staff for Lynn Community Health Center. ***In addition to Spanish- these videos are being translated into Mam and Quiche. This provides a lot of peace of mind for this often-overlooked group.***
We are providing assistance with:
1. Weekly and monthly care packages: corn (maseca), beans, rice, pasta, eggs, and vegetables, bleach for disenfectant. As well as, lemon, ginger eucalyptus and other immune-boosting medicines that are widely used in traditional cultures. ($100$-200/ month/ family based on the need)
2. Seamstress and making masks - sewing is a Mayan specialty! Our community has made 300 masks (in sizes for adults and children) so far and we are continuing to ensure that they have the supplies to be able to continue. $1000 for making masks. We are producing each mask for $1-$2 of materials.
3. Hotline of information- as noted above we have set up a hotline so people can access timely information and get the support that is needed.
Helping people apply for unemployment and obtain relief from other COVID funds.
4. Making videos and information resources that can be distributed widely via WhatsApp, Facebook and other commonly used channels.
Our immediate goal was $10,000 which was hit ! We are going for $20,000 which will ensure that we are able to support everyone to the fullest extent and increase the amount of families we are helping. The $20,000 will also enable us to create a website and develop and distribute the information resources in Spanish as well as the Mayan dialects of Mam and Quiche.
We are hoping to raise this money in 2 weeks to meet the increasing needs in our communities.