Support Medical Bills and Expenses for Nancy Her & Family
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UPDATE 8/21/24
Yesterday was officially 1 week since Nancy experienced her stroke. She still has significant swelling that is critical to her health. She's getting CT scans 2x a day, and there are no substantial changes or complications, so this is good. Nancy's also had fevers off and on for the past few days. They discovered she had fluid in her lungs (pneumonia) and have started her on antibiotics to help resolve it.
The care team continues to keep Nancy sedated so she can heal. She has had a few times where she's tried to pull out her trach; we're not sure if this is controlled or spontaneous.
Nancy also had a feeding tube that was going down her throat. They have moved it to go down her nostril instead. She has been getting nutrients and IV daily.
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts. We're not out of the woods yet. She's still fighting for her life, and her swelling, though not increasing, is also not significantly decreasing either. We will continue to post updates here.
We're 25% of the way toward the financial goal. Thank you for sharing Nancy's link and story, and please continue to do so.
UPDATE 8/19/24
Today Nancy was stable. Her CT scans were normal, which is good. It shows there aren’t any complications. Let’s continue to pray things go this way and improve each day.
Nancy’s story was featured on CBS WCCO news. They were inspired by how the community came together to provide breastmilk for Sammy. They interviewed me (Nancy’s sister) and featured snippets of the girls. You can view the segment and read the article here: https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/moms-rally-around-a-roseville-family-after-a-mother-suffers-a-stroke/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR23NeeGbl93V7Y1pMsGfQTcThHhj9Fjxww1rWpND7p2G1YAX-NvXglJUpg_aem_d86uCindy_hX6gHxVL3qBw&ai=#m00kj63btqkzmm4akmq
UPDATE 8/18/24
Yesterday was a really hard day. Where Nancy is at now is the peak of where stroke patients experience the most swelling. It can be very dangerous and life-threatening because the swelling could interfere with the brain stem. The brain stem controls the function and ability of our heart and several other vital organs. We hold steadfast to our hope in the Lord, like Nancy would have wanted. And are praying she can get past these next few days without any complications.
Nancy is currently being monitored very carefully and they have told us they are doing everything they can to save her. It's critical to get the swelling in her brain to go down. They also have a tube hooked up to the side of her head/brain to help drain the fluids out since there is nowhere for it to go now that the bottom of her brain is swollen. She is being given salt as well to help reduce the swelling. The doctor's analogy is that when salt is poured on a slug, it shrinks. The brain acts the same.
They think Nancy is "awake." Her heart rate spikes when we speak to her and she tries to open her eyes, which is not suitable for her at this time. They have to keep her sedated because the injury and surgery to her brain are so significant that she can't be awake while it's healing.
For this reason, we're asking visitors to hold off on visiting her until she can pass these next few critical days. She needs the swelling to decrease and for no further complications to add to everything already going on.
Thank you to those who have donated, visited, provided meals, called/texted to check in, and offered encouraging words. Nancy would be so happy to see your outpouring of love. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Some individuals prefer to use other payment avenues to donate funds to Yer and the girls. Here are Venmo and Paypal options:
venmo: Audreyxyang
paypal: audreyyang22
UPDATE 8/17/24
Nancy is in a very critical state of her stroke. The swelling needs to come down to be manageable and to give her a chance. Please pray for Nancy’s swelling to decrease. She needs all the prayers she can get right now.
On Tuesday, 8/13/24, Nancy went to work like every other typical day. While working with a patient, she complained of head pain and collapsed. She was rushed to the ER, where they found a blood clot in her brain and determined she had a stroke. Blood thinning medication was administered to try to relieve the clotting.
Since then, she’s had two surgeries. One was to remove the blood clots, and today 8/15/24, a craniectomy was done to relieve some pressure from the swelling in her brain. She will be monitored closely for the next few days to ensure the swelling is manageable and decreases with time. She has a great care team but it is heartbreaking to hear them say they are doing everything they can to save her.
Since she first experienced the stroke, Nancy has been unresponsive and unconscious. The doctors believe she will wake up but can’t say when and don’t know the extent of her injuries. They have indicated possibly some nerves that are no longer working based on their assessments but have not provided any further prognosis and believe that it's still too early to know.
We are shaken and devastated by this news. She had no signs, was young, and healthy. She did not have any of the predispositions that would make her susceptible to a stroke. Just the weekend prior, Nancy was celebrating our brother's 50th birthday celebration (pictured above). She did not complain of any symptoms or illness, and we all had a wonderful time with each other.
We are processing what all of this means moving forward for Eugene and her four girls. When Nancy comes out of this, she will still have a long road to recovery. In the interim, they will need financial assistance since they no longer have Nancy's income. Eugene is currently on unpaid FMLA while Nancy is in the most critical days of her condition. The girls are currently staying with family. It is the most difficult to see the 8-month-old Sammy without her mother. She's a nursed baby and misses her mom's scent, skin, and touch. We are all trying to stay positive and as hopeful as we can.
Nancy and Eugene are in the process of purchasing a home. Their offer was just accepted last week, and they had planned to close in the next month. Nancy was so excited to have a home to call their own again. Eugene's goal is to continue with the purchase so he can provide the girls with a safe and stable home environment. The home is close to the girls' middle school and high school, which would cause little disruption from that perspective. Currently, Nancy, Eugene, and the girls are living in temporary housing.
Several people, including Nancy's work colleagues and friends, have asked how they can help Eugene during this crisis. Thank you to those who have visited Nancy and provided monetary donations, food, gifts, breastmilk for Samantha, and emotional support for our family.
We're asking for funds to help pay for the following needs:
- Nancy's medical bills
- Necessities for her four daughters include clothes, shoes, glasses, medical needs and appointments, food, etc.
- Rent/mortgage
- Possibly daycare for Samantha when Eugene returns to work. Nancy and Eugene worked opposite shifts to ensure one of them could care for her. Now that Nancy is ill, she can no longer care for Sammy.
Thank you for thinking of Nancy. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. There is still a lot of uncertainty regarding her condition and outcome. We are hoping and praying for Nancy to be restored. We miss and love her so much. She was the most kind, patient, generous, and compassionate person. Her presence brought so many of us comfort during difficult times in our lives. She was a natural caretaker and nurturer; those are her strengths, and her presence is greatly missed.
If you want to visit Nancy, please contact Eugene for a visit since they do not allow more than 3 visitors to her room at once. She is in the ICU and visitors are monitored and limited.
If preferred, donations can be made via other payment options:
venmo: Audreyxyang
paypal: audreyyang22

Audrey Yang
Lake Elmo, MN