Support Michelle’s Double Mastectomy Journey
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Hi, my name is Jacqueline. I am fundraising for my daughter Michelle Jones. First, let me start by describing my daughter Michelle. Michelle is a 24 year old who on most days could find her helping others, being a go getter and living life to the fullest. Michelle has always been a person with a beaming smile, bubbly personality and hard working.. Michelle was working towards building her future just as all of us do but in 2015 things took a turn for her. In 2015, Michelle was diagnosed with multiple fibroadenomas. A condition that is a tumor/tumors formed of a mixture of fibrous and glandular tissue, typically occurring as benign growths in the breast but can be painful and disfiguring.
Michelle went for medical help and the doctor advised her to continue to monitor the situation. Michelle at the time had to wait to continue to seek continuous medical attention due to lack of insurance. As time continue to pass, the masses in Michelle‘s breasts continue to grow to the point of causing disfiguration. Due to Michelle‘s medical condition and financial strain Michelle had no choice but to move back home to make ends meet as her medical bills were piling up.
Finally, in fall of 2020 Michelle went to the hospital and had her first two surgeries to remove the masses on both breasts. Michelle, had a sense of relief that she would be on the mend but just six short months later the masses had returned and were growing faster and bigger than before and were multiplying in numbers. Once again the Dr.’s decided that Michelle would need to have another two surgeries to remove the masses in both of her breasts only for them to return again even more aggressive. Although Michelle has the help and support of her family the medical bills still keep coming in leaving Michelle to worry about her health and her not losing her job.
In late 2021, Michelle noticed the lumps and returned to the doctor only to be told that her fibroadenoma’s had returned and once again Michelle would have to undergo another surgery to liberate the pain and discomfort of the masses. Michelle continued to keep up with her six month checkups and everything seemed to be kept at bay and Michelle finally felt like she could breathe easily.
This year, after her checkup in October the fibroadenomas had returned and the Dr. strongly advised Michelle that she would need to consider to undergo a DOUBLE MASTECTOMY because the masses had returned and are growing at a rapid rate. Michelle now has the burden of thinking about life without her breasts, time off work, no income coming in and still having to pay her personal bills. Michelle would love to consider having reconstructive surgery in the future but insurance will not pay for it.
On November 9th, 2022 Michelle will be having surgery for double mastectomy and hopefully will be able to close the chapter on her ongoing battle with fibroadenoma‘s. The next chapter is going to be adjusting to life on the road to recovery with drains and not to mention the countless post-op appointments, the emotional, mental and physical stress she has been enduring and will continue to endure until she can completely put this behind her.
We kindly ask for your prayers for Michelle and ourselves as we continue on this life changing journey with her. If you can donate it will be greatly appreciated because I want nothing more than to give my daughter her smile back and some sense of relief. We will also be appreciative of your positive thoughts and words of encouragement.
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read Michelle‘s story and journey and may God continue to bless every single one of you and your families.
Jacqueline Regalado
Jackie Gonzales-Regalado
San Antonio, TX