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Support Mikey's Family in Their Time of Loss

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We are all devastated by the sudden loss of Miodrag Pavlovic (Mikey) on Wednesday evening, September 11th. Mikey was a wonderful Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, Grandpa, and friend to many. He was a genuine and thoughtful man whose heart was full of compassion and positivity. He had the ability to make you feel that you were capable of achieving all of your dreams because he had achieved so much. Mikey had immigrated to America for a fresh start after a hard struggle in the Bosnian war, where he almost lost his wife. He came to America with very little, and yet lived a full, amazing life. He was an amazing listener, a collector of rare coins, and a very good gardener, among so many other attributes. Mikey was a building engineer; he took so much pride in his work and lifting others' spirits throughout the day.

This loss is not an easy one, as Mikey was an amazing man.

As his daughter-in-law, I have started this GoFundMe to help cover the cost of this sudden loss. Our families were not prepared as Mikey was just recently diagnosed with terminal lung cancer with only weeks to live.

Please consider donating if you can, as any amount would truly help. We would like to raise money in order to cover the costs of his arrangements and to support his wife during this transition. Mikey leaves behind Tamara (Daughter), Nickolas (Son), Zrinka (Wife), Iris & Maya (Grandchildren), and so much more.

We appreciate the support from all and ask for prayer during this very difficult time.


Angelica Mitchell
Des Plaines, IL

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