Support Mitch, Logan & Remy
Our Jenn was the rock of her family. She ran the show with humour, wit, style, confidence and love. She was a caring and supportive wife & partner to Mitch for 9 years of marriage and 14 years together in total. And very importantly, she was a beloved and hands-on Mama to daughters Logan (6) and Remy (4) as well as fur babies Grace, George and Nola.
Jenn was also a longtime and valued member of the LuluLemon family for nearly 10 years, holding store management roles at Vaughan Mills, Sherway, Yorkville, and most recently, again at Sherway.
Tragically, while out for a run on Sunday July 4th in High Park, Jenn suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and instantly passed away at the age of 38. She was healthy, vibrant and the centre of her family’s universe.
This devastating loss has taken a severe emotional toll, but also a heavy financial one for these working Toronto parents. Due to the severe impact of COVID on the hospitality industry, Mitch has been unable to work and forced to take over full-time domestic and Daddy duties while Jenn became the sole provider for the family.
With the added adversity of these times, we as their friends and loved ones realize that the best way to support this young family is to set up a Go Fund Me. This financial support will help Mitch and his girls secure their stability, while they navigate this difficult time.
We appreciate any support that you can offer. In Jenn’s memory and in loving support for Mitch, Logan and Remy, we thank you.
With love,
Friends of the Darragh & Gouveia Families xx