Growing the Nambale Magnet School
To continue in our commitment to sustainability we are raising funds to purchase additional land adjacent to the Nambale Magnet School to be used for cultivating more food for the children and increasing food security. Additionally, funds raised will be used to create architectural plans for a community resource center which will be used for both adult education as well as meeting spaces for community out reach.
Our overall goal moving forward is to expand the school to include a high school allowing learners to finish out their primary education at the Nambale Magnet School . At the completion of this goal, the school will be one step closer towards self-sustainability and will continue to serve the community from educating the orphaned and vulnerable children to career coaching for adults to both nourish and empower a struggling community.
The Cornerstone Project has been supporting and growing a school in Western Kenya since its inception in 2009. Starting with a baby class of 30 of the most under privileged children, the Nambale Magnet School has since grown to 380 students up to the 8th grade, with a working farm and educational opportunities for adults as well.
We believe in complete transparency! 100% of donations go directly to school causes and projects based on the needs of the school, its staff and of course the students, as determined by the school's founder Rev. Evalyn Wakhusama.
To date, the Cornerstone Project has raised over $600,000 towards the Nambale Magnet School. Some of the projects and causes funded include but are not limited to a Waste to Fuel Biodigestor , Electrical Generator , Land Purchases ,Computers , Internet Connectivity , Chicken Coops and Chickens , Dairy Units and Cows , Roof Water Collection Systems , Bore Holes and Water Towers , Sand Filtration Systems , Kio Kit Digital Learning Tablets , Constructing a Food Storage Unit , Playground and Sports Equipment and much much more.
For a complete list of NMS projects and causes funded by Cornerstone Project, please visit:
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A sustainer is simply someone who commits to making an ongoing contribution, typically monthly, of a set amount with no fixed end-date. Monthly gifts continue until the donor acts to stop them.
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