Support Nami for URGENT Needs
My name is Nami Azalea Sivan and I am starting this Go Fund Me is because I am seeking community support to continue on a path of independence after being made a victim of domestic violence. I am a Black trans woman coming emigrating from the Bahamas I am working extremely hard and making a life for myself in Hamilton. An ex-partner who was living with me physically abused me and the police were called where I was laid with 2 charges. As a result of this discriminatory and unfair charge against me, I was served an eviction and lost the perfectly good job I was working as a PSW. However, these last couple of months, with the help of your support, I have been able to continue job searching, have secured employment and a housing worker that has found housing for me to avoid violent interactions with police with this eviction notice.
UPDATE: I have successfully won my case against my abusive ex-boyfriend and have the 2 charges against me dropped!
The following is still in process:
Employment - I secured employment that I am passionate about! I love food and cooking and will be working as a line chef in a restaurant.
Housing - I have also acquired a housing worker and we have submitted the paperwork applying to my new place! I am now in the process of pooling together first and last $1300 to move on or before May 29.
This goal of $4500 will support:
- First month's rent for the new place
- suitcases
- food and groceries
- hygiene products
- bus or PRESTO fare
- emergency funds
Thank you so much to everyone that has supported me financially through this whole situation and who has shared my campaign. Things are progressing and I feel like I'm getting my confidence back little by little.