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Support Nayo Cares's Peace Mission

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Hello, We are Nayo Cares Inc., our mission is to guide individuals and families affected by domestic violence on a transformative journey. We are dedicated to offering immediate assistance, education, counseling, and collaborative partnerships to ensure survivors have the resources needed to reclaim their lives.

Through our "A Safe Escape" approach, which includes our Safe Ministry program, we strive to empower survivors spiritually, offering a peaceful and loving way to build a relationship with God and Jesus Christ. We believe in the power of faith to provide solace and strength to those in need, allowing them to break free from the bonds of domestic violence.

Founder of Nayo Cares
Ifeytaya Bulow is a servant of God who has love and compassion for God’s people and the lost. She accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at the age of 24. Her favorite scripture is Psalms 27, which states: “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” Ifeytaya is a bold witness for Christ and enjoys sharing the Gospel with everyone she meets. Her desire to share God’s love has had a life-changing impact on numerous people of all ages, genders, religions, and cultural and social backgrounds.
Ifeytaya is committed to her academic studies in human services and the Word of God. In 1995, she received an Interdisciplinary AA Degree in Liberal Arts from Touro College. In 1998 she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Certificate in Youth Counseling the same year from Touro College. In 2009, she received a Master’s in Theological Studies from Logos Christian University. In 2016 was licensed as a Chaplain by Worldwide Association of Small Churches, and licensed as an Evangelist by Son of the Living God Ministries, Inc.
In April 2021, Ifeytaya received her Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Christian Counseling at Colorado Theological Seminary. Ifeytaya firmly believes this is the calling that God has shaped her to fulfill and is ready to join a team with a similar vision.
Grateful for the direction of God in her life, she feels empowered and ready to follow God’s guidance in expanding her role in the ministry.

Ifeytaya is a survivor of domestic violence and was led by the Holy Spirit to help others who are trapped in a domestic violence situation. Therefore she started Nayo Cares to fulfill that calling.

Ifeytaya's Story: A Journey of Survival and Empowerment
Ifeytaya Bulow’s journey has been long, filled with hardships, pain, and ultimately, resilience. She has survived two abusive relationships spanning 20 years, and her story is one of survival, hope, and empowerment.

The Beginning of Her Struggles
Ifeytaya never imagined that her life would be marred by the darkness of abuse. Her first relationship was with the father of her son. It was a relationship that started with promise but quickly deteriorated into a nightmare of mental abuse. Mental abuse is often underestimated, but it cuts just as deeply as physical abuse. It leaves scars that are not visible but are profoundly painful and debilitating.

Her partner's words were like daggers, constantly cutting into her self-esteem and sense of worth. He belittled her, manipulated her, and made her doubt her own reality. She felt trapped like she was suffocating in an invisible prison. The pain was real, and the effects were lasting. Her book, "Trapped Inside My Storage Box," details this period of her life. Writing it was both therapeutic and terrifying, as it forced her to confront the horrors she had endured.

The Cycle Continues
After 12 long years, Ifeytaya found herself in another abusive relationship. This time, she was determined not to let history repeat itself. But abuse has a way of creeping in, and before she knew it, she was trapped once again. The cycle of abuse was evident, and it was a crushing realization. She felt like she had failed herself, but more importantly, she felt like she had failed her son.

The second relationship was just as damaging as the first, if not more so. The abuse was a mixture of mental and emotional torment. It drained her of her energy, her spirit, and her hope. She was left feeling hollow, like a shell of the person she once was. The despair was overwhelming, and there were times when she didn't think she could go on.

Finding Her Way Back
Despite the darkness, there was a flicker of hope. Ifeytaya sought help through counseling and therapy. These were lifelines that pulled her back from the brink. Through these sessions, she began to unravel the layers of pain and trauma. She started to understand the patterns of abuse and how to break free from them.

Finding herself again was a long and arduous journey. It involved a lot of soul-searching, self-reflection, and the painful process of healing old wounds. But with each step, she grew stronger. She began to reclaim her sense of self-worth and identity. She realized that she was not defined by her past but by her strength and resilience in overcoming it.

Empowering Others
As Ifeytaya emerged from the shadows of her past, she felt a profound need to help others who were going through similar experiences. She knew the loneliness, the fear, and the hopelessness that came with being in an abusive relationship. She wanted to let others know that they were not alone and that there was a way out.

She started sharing her story, not just through her book, but also by speaking to groups, participating in support networks, and offering one-on-one support to those in need. She wanted to be a beacon of hope, a living testament that survival and healing are possible. Her goal was to empower others to break free from their own cycles of abuse and to reclaim their lives.

Building a Support Network
One of the most important things Ifeytaya learned was the power of community. Healing is not something that can be done in isolation. It requires a network of support, love, and understanding. She began to build this network, connecting with other survivors, mental health professionals, and advocates for abuse victims.

Together, they formed a community where people could share their stories, find support, and access resources for healing. This network has become a sanctuary for many, offering a safe space where they can begin their journey toward recovery. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact this community has had on so many lives.

The Importance of Self-Care
Through her journey, Ifeytaya also learned the critical importance of self-care. Abuse takes a tremendous toll on the mind and body, and healing requires a holistic approach. She started to prioritize her physical and mental health, engaging in activities that nurtured her well-being.

She found solace in activities like meditation, yoga, and journaling. These practices helped her to center herself, reduce stress, and gain clarity. They were instrumental in her healing process, allowing her to reconnect with herself and find inner peace.

Looking Forward
As Ifeytaya continues her journey, she is filled with hope and determination. Her past does not define her; rather, it has shaped her into a stronger, more compassionate person. She is committed to using her experiences to help others and to advocate for those who are still trapped in the cycle of abuse.

She is currently working on expanding her outreach efforts, developing programs that provide education, support, and resources for abuse survivors. Her mission is to create a world where no one has to suffer in silence, and where every person has access to the help they need to break free from abuse and build a better future.

A Message to Those Still Struggling
If you are reading this and find yourself in a similar situation, please know that you are not alone. The pain you are feeling is real, and your experiences are valid. It may feel like there is no way out, but there is. Reach out for help, whether it's through a trusted friend, a support group, or a professional counselor. You deserve to live a life free from abuse, filled with love, respect, and happiness.

Ifeytaya's story is one of survival, but it is also a story of hope. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of resilience. She has walked through the darkest valleys and emerged into the light. And now, she is dedicated to helping others do the same.

This year we had a coat drive for people in need, click this link (Coat Drive Jan 2024), which helped a lot of people stay warm last winter, and made NBC 4 New York News.

We are now asking for donations to help us continue our mission. Our need is for our call center and our peace program that helps people find peace in their lives after domestic violence.

Nayo Cares (Domestic Violence to Peace Program)
P.E.A.C.E. (Acronym)

People (Victims of abuse, abusers, and people who need to be educated about domestic violence.)

Escaping (Educating on ways to escape an abusive situation, whether it be yourself, a partner or spouse, or even a family member or children.)

Abusive (Bringing awareness to the community about what being abusive means and how to identify if you are being abusive to someone or being abused.)

Connections (Helping people to understand what peaceful and healthy connections are in terms of relationships and oneself. We do this through teaching and educating on subjects of conflict, domestic violence, and peace.)

Everywhere (We help equip people with life skills, that they can use every day and everywhere to maintain peace in their lives wherever they go. Like conflict management, active listening, reframing, and meditation.)

Here at Nayo Cares, we believe that everyone has the right and deserves to live in peace. We are here to educate ourselves, the community, and the world about conflict, domestic violence, and how to find peace that everyone is looking for and is entitled to have.


Peace Pattern Ministry is just one of the community partners that helps Nayo Cares assist people in domestic violence situations. Tyrone Crew a peace minister and founder of Peace Pattern Ministry, learned through Nayo Cares that domestic violence is not only women being abused but also men, children, and the elderly.

Tyrone is also a survivor of domestic violence. He had a female friend who used abusive language and threatening phone calls to bully and psychologically harm him. This abuser even told lies to an HR department to get him fired.

Tyrone thought that as a man, he had to deal with the situation on his own. He believed that only women could claim they were being abused. However, he learned that domestic violence is not gender-based or identity-based; it is behavior-based. Therefore, after learning this from Nayo Cares, he decided to help their cause in any way he could.

Together, we can break the cycle of abuse and create a brighter future for all. If you would like to support Nayo Cares' mission, please consider donating to this GoFundMe campaign. Your contributions will help Nayo Cares to continue providing vital resources and support to those in need.

To stay connected and support our cause, follow us on our social media channels:

Facebook: Nayo Cares
Instagram: Nayo Cares

Listen to our podcast, where people share their stories of survival and hope:

Also available on Apple Podcasts
Visit our website for more information and resources:

Thank you for your generosity and for being a part of this journey.

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Nayo Cares
New York, NY
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