Support Omar's Widow and Afghan Teammates
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Omar, a member of an Afghan minesweeping unit, and members of his team were exposed to Taliban reprisals by 2022's documentary "Retrograde". Produced by National Geographic, the film chronicled the collapse of Afghanistan, but did not conceal the faces or identities of those in the film. This essentially turned "Retrograde" into a hit-list, and the Taliban used it identify, abduct, torture and kill Omar, and force his teammates even further underground
Omar (who leaves a wife and childe behind) and his teammates were members of the National Mine Reduction Group, or NMRG: Afghan minesweepers who directly protected US Army Green Berets. The hazards they undertook were immense: From 2015 onwards, 22 Green Berets died, compared to 47 NMRG members. Our country already owes them a debt for protecting American soldiers, and this makes the exposure of their relationship with the US military by Nat Geo, and subsequent refusal by Disney executives to safeguard the NMRG from Taliban reprisals all the more unconscionable.
The circumstances surrounding Retrograde will be scrutinized in closer detail in the future. However, the mission of the 1208 Foundation is to protect those who protected us and we will not lose sight of what is most important: Omar's family and the NMRG need our help first.
Please donate to assist Omar's wife and child, and his brothers of the NMRG, in securing a safe and hopeful future.
1208 Foundation