Support our Hero, Arcenio Perez, PPD Officer
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Officer Arcenio Perez, a well-known and respected Philadelphia Police Officer, was wounded by an armed homicide suspect in a shootout in West Philadelphia on October 4, 2021. Since being injured, he has undergone 10 surgeries and procedures with more to come affecting the mobility of his right arm and is currently unable to work at the PPD as he is out recovering and striving to return back to the job he loves, a job that he put his heart and soul into. With a wife and two sons at home, the Perez family's recourses are extremely strained.
To date, Arcenio has undergone the following procedures on his arm, hand, thighs, and foot:
1. Debridement Skin, Muscle, Fascia 15×15cm
2. Free Skin Flap W/ Microvascular Anastomosis
3. EMG study with findings: There were no voluntary motor units in the flexor pollicis longus and first dorsal interosseous muscles.There was abnormal spontaneous activity in the form of fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves in the flexor pollicis longus and first dorsal interosseous muscles.
4. Complex Wound Closure 15cm. Excision of Neuroma of Major Peripheral Nerve
5. Excision of Sural Nerve of the right foot to Cable Graft for Ulnar Nerve Reconstructior
6. Debulk/Excise the graft
7. Right Injection Anesthetic Stellate Ganglion Cervical Sympathetic
8. opponensplaaty EIP: for ulnar nerve palsy
9. capsulodesis metacarpophalanges joint 3/4 digits MCP
10. Debulk/Excise the graft
Please consider donating if you can. Anything helps! No donation is too big or too small. Thank you from our family to Yours.
Olivia Perez
Bristol, PA