Help Yolo YoYo’s attend Manhattan Film Festival
Donation protected
Your Donations Wednesday June 8, thru Wednesday June 15, will help Yolo YoYo's (please see below)
Please consider making a donation to Yolo Yoyo’s. Your immediate generosity would help offset costs of marketing/promoting our film (posters/post cards/Festival costs/travel) at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival Our Yolo Yoyo's episode, Miracles on College St, Daddy & Daughter Tread on Deathbeds screens Sunday June 19, 3pm at Cinema Village, NYC.
- We recently had asked for donations to help the Yolo YoYo's enter film festivals and Major Competitions, and you guys delivered. (Nov 2021)
Here's how you helped Yolo YoYo's and Chris Hennessy accomplish two Film Festival Wins and three top-five finalists.

Read entire article Woodland Daily Democrat
read entire article The Davis Enterprise
Without your help, I may not have been able to pull all this off!
Yolo YoYo’s season 2 finale episode, The Stage Following our Wildest Dreams won, 'Best Narrative Episode 2022,’ at 2022 ACM Western Region, WAVE Cable TV Awards.
Hennessy’s premier episode season 2 (Feb 2021), 'Miracles on College St.' Daddy & Daughter Tread on Deathbeds, was a finalist(runner-up) at the 2022 ACM Western Region WAVE Cable TV Awards, and is also a top-five finalist at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival mid June 2022 teaser trailer film
“I started Yolo YoYo’s to spend time with my daughter Hannah (now 12), and provide an enriching experience for her and friends. The vibe that reverberates throughout the car when we head out to film is priceless.”
Hennessy’s music video, Yuba Twenty Twenty , was recently awarded Best Film at the Yuba City arts & culture 2021 Film Festival. His ‘Comedy Club Anniversary Roast ’ was a top-five finalist at the Houston Comedy Film Festival (March 2022).
“I submitted 4 different films to various U.S. Int'l film festivals, and have two ‘Best Film’ awards & three ‘top 5’ finalists. I feel like a rock star who has got four songs in the top 10!”
And let us not forget Yolo Yoyo's first huge achievment - *Yolo YoYo’s season #1 was awarded, ‘Best New TV Series 2019,’ Sacramento CA, Channel 18. (also got 125,000 Facebook views)
Please consider making a donation to Yolo Yoyo’s. Your immediate generosity would help offset costs of marketing/promoting our film (posters/post cards/Festival costs/travel) at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival
"I can practically guarantee that if you help us financially, we will eventually reach our ultimate goal - A Full Feature Yolo YoYo's movie on a medium such as Netflix, Amazon, etc."
Chris Hennessy

The Yolo Yoyo's & I hope you'll enjoy watching our entire short, entertaining & relevant Gofundme film We guarantee you will totally dig it (aka-enjoy)
- Chris Hennessy
"That's a gofundme video ? It's as good as any Hollywood trailer film"
- Matt Kirby - creator of Mattel's 'Apples to Apples'
- - - Mattel's 'Most Games Sold'

At this point, we do not get paid to produce the show. I did much of the work in our premiere season - writing, acquiring talent, scouting locations, social media/promotion, filming, directing, interviewing subjects on-camera, acting, and editing. Phewph! It was an impassioned grind at times, yet I enjoyed every minute of it. #SupportYoloYoyo’sanUpliftingRealityTVShow!

Your recent generosity(autumn/winter 2021) in Supporting our Gofundme enabled us to -
- purchase 250 custom designed Yolo YoYo's posters and T-shirts.
- Sponsor the Woodland Christian School 2020 Christmas Drive-by Parade (1500 car Passerbys)
- - Sacramento's TV News Show, Good Day Sacramento, conducted an on location live 5 minute segment with the girls and I to promote the parade.
- hired a professional videographer.
- huge Yolo Yoyo’s banner created for the parade route and future events
- Two local Newspapers picked up our press-release and included it as an article
- I'm so very proud of the short film we produced from this event.
- "Besides being another incredibly enriching experience, you could not put a $$$ price-tag on the amazing publicity your donations helped bring to the Yolo Yoyo’s! I could not thank you enough" - Chris Hennessy
By being a part of this team, the Yolo YoYo's girls (ages 6-12)
- Get several life-enriching, self-confidence building experiences
- Learn to interact with other children & adults
- Following the director's instructions
- Performing in front of the camera
- Real-Life learning experiences at special events in their community
- We Laugh a lot and have a blast!
More about Chris Hennessy and Yolo YoYo's
Yolo YoYo’s was warded ‘Best New TV Series, Sacramento Channel 18, 2019.’
Watch the Awards Event Presentation that was featured on Zoom
This short video features Chris Hennessy, Producer/Creator of Yolo YoYo's, accepting the award for "Best New TV Series 2019" Sacramento Channel 18. "
Yolo YoYo's on TV News
Good Day Sacramento - A popular morning TV News program, featured the Yolo YoYo’s in these two innocent-hilarious segments.
Yolo YoYos On Good Day Sacramento Morning TV News Program segment 1
Yolo YoYos On Good Day Sacramento Morning TV News Program segment 2
Newspaper Articles
Yolo YoYo's Reality TV show to premiere next month
- Woodland Daily Democrat August 2019
The adventures of six Yolo County girls and one of their dads will be documented in the new reality show Yolo YoYo’s, scheduled to premiere in mid-September, 2019 on Sacramento Channel 18, Davis TV Channel 15 (DCTV-15) and Facebook fb.me/yoloyoyos
Local Filmmaker Battling to Live During Best Days of His Life
“One would never know by his recent achievements. Hennessy is currently on a creative tear. He has been busy producing his award-winning TV Show, Yolo YoYo’s, writing his upcoming memoir book, Touched by Hannah, and acting in a play"
"Hennessy’s depiction of the evil Warden Snyder in Disney’s theatrical production, “Newsies,” brought him a nomination for a coveted Chesley award from the Woodland Opera House"
- Davis Enterprise August 2020 READ ENTIRE ARTICLE

Thanks so much for visiting our Yolo YoYo's GoFundMe.
Whether you are able to make a financial contribution large or small, we appreciate it very much!
Please feel free to share our GoFundMe with your contacts and social media.
And thanks for being a fan - watching our show. Your love & support means the world to us.
Chris Hennessy
Film Maker, Author, Motivational Speaker
408-568-9330 email Chris
Yolo Yolo's - An Award-winning Reality TV Show
‘Hannah & friends fun & uplifting adventures through Yolo County & Beyond'’
See Yolo YoYo's season #1 and #2 all 23 episodes on -
Sacramento Channel 18
Davis TV Channel 15 (DCTV-15)
Touched by Hannah
Chris Hennessy's upcoming Memoir Book
‘A man with cancer. His 1 lb. newborn. And their fight for life.’ -
- Read the excerpt on FaceBook
Please consider making a donation to Yolo Yoyo’s. Your immediate generosity would help offset costs of marketing/promoting our film (posters/post cards/Festival costs/travel) at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival Our Yolo Yoyo's episode, Miracles on College St, Daddy & Daughter Tread on Deathbeds screens Sunday June 19, 3pm at Cinema Village, NYC.
- We recently had asked for donations to help the Yolo YoYo's enter film festivals and Major Competitions, and you guys delivered. (Nov 2021)
Here's how you helped Yolo YoYo's and Chris Hennessy accomplish two Film Festival Wins and three top-five finalists.

Read entire article Woodland Daily Democrat

Without your help, I may not have been able to pull all this off!
Yolo YoYo’s season 2 finale episode, The Stage Following our Wildest Dreams won, 'Best Narrative Episode 2022,’ at 2022 ACM Western Region, WAVE Cable TV Awards.
Hennessy’s premier episode season 2 (Feb 2021), 'Miracles on College St.' Daddy & Daughter Tread on Deathbeds, was a finalist(runner-up) at the 2022 ACM Western Region WAVE Cable TV Awards, and is also a top-five finalist at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival mid June 2022 teaser trailer film
“I started Yolo YoYo’s to spend time with my daughter Hannah (now 12), and provide an enriching experience for her and friends. The vibe that reverberates throughout the car when we head out to film is priceless.”
Hennessy’s music video, Yuba Twenty Twenty , was recently awarded Best Film at the Yuba City arts & culture 2021 Film Festival. His ‘Comedy Club Anniversary Roast ’ was a top-five finalist at the Houston Comedy Film Festival (March 2022).
“I submitted 4 different films to various U.S. Int'l film festivals, and have two ‘Best Film’ awards & three ‘top 5’ finalists. I feel like a rock star who has got four songs in the top 10!”
And let us not forget Yolo Yoyo's first huge achievment - *Yolo YoYo’s season #1 was awarded, ‘Best New TV Series 2019,’ Sacramento CA, Channel 18. (also got 125,000 Facebook views)
Please consider making a donation to Yolo Yoyo’s. Your immediate generosity would help offset costs of marketing/promoting our film (posters/post cards/Festival costs/travel) at the upcoming Manhattan Film Festival
"I can practically guarantee that if you help us financially, we will eventually reach our ultimate goal - A Full Feature Yolo YoYo's movie on a medium such as Netflix, Amazon, etc."
Chris Hennessy

The Yolo Yoyo's & I hope you'll enjoy watching our entire short, entertaining & relevant Gofundme film We guarantee you will totally dig it (aka-enjoy)
- Chris Hennessy
"That's a gofundme video ? It's as good as any Hollywood trailer film"
- Matt Kirby - creator of Mattel's 'Apples to Apples'
- - - Mattel's 'Most Games Sold'

At this point, we do not get paid to produce the show. I did much of the work in our premiere season - writing, acquiring talent, scouting locations, social media/promotion, filming, directing, interviewing subjects on-camera, acting, and editing. Phewph! It was an impassioned grind at times, yet I enjoyed every minute of it. #SupportYoloYoyo’sanUpliftingRealityTVShow!

Your recent generosity(autumn/winter 2021) in Supporting our Gofundme enabled us to -
- purchase 250 custom designed Yolo YoYo's posters and T-shirts.
- Sponsor the Woodland Christian School 2020 Christmas Drive-by Parade (1500 car Passerbys)
- - Sacramento's TV News Show, Good Day Sacramento, conducted an on location live 5 minute segment with the girls and I to promote the parade.
- hired a professional videographer.
- huge Yolo Yoyo’s banner created for the parade route and future events
- Two local Newspapers picked up our press-release and included it as an article
- I'm so very proud of the short film we produced from this event.
- "Besides being another incredibly enriching experience, you could not put a $$$ price-tag on the amazing publicity your donations helped bring to the Yolo Yoyo’s! I could not thank you enough" - Chris Hennessy

- Get several life-enriching, self-confidence building experiences
- Learn to interact with other children & adults
- Following the director's instructions
- Performing in front of the camera
- Real-Life learning experiences at special events in their community
- We Laugh a lot and have a blast!

Yolo YoYo’s was warded ‘Best New TV Series, Sacramento Channel 18, 2019.’
Watch the Awards Event Presentation that was featured on Zoom
This short video features Chris Hennessy, Producer/Creator of Yolo YoYo's, accepting the award for "Best New TV Series 2019" Sacramento Channel 18. "

Good Day Sacramento - A popular morning TV News program, featured the Yolo YoYo’s in these two innocent-hilarious segments.
Yolo YoYos On Good Day Sacramento Morning TV News Program segment 1
Yolo YoYos On Good Day Sacramento Morning TV News Program segment 2

Yolo YoYo's Reality TV show to premiere next month
- Woodland Daily Democrat August 2019
The adventures of six Yolo County girls and one of their dads will be documented in the new reality show Yolo YoYo’s, scheduled to premiere in mid-September, 2019 on Sacramento Channel 18, Davis TV Channel 15 (DCTV-15) and Facebook fb.me/yoloyoyos
Local Filmmaker Battling to Live During Best Days of His Life
“One would never know by his recent achievements. Hennessy is currently on a creative tear. He has been busy producing his award-winning TV Show, Yolo YoYo’s, writing his upcoming memoir book, Touched by Hannah, and acting in a play"
"Hennessy’s depiction of the evil Warden Snyder in Disney’s theatrical production, “Newsies,” brought him a nomination for a coveted Chesley award from the Woodland Opera House"
- Davis Enterprise August 2020 READ ENTIRE ARTICLE

Whether you are able to make a financial contribution large or small, we appreciate it very much!
Please feel free to share our GoFundMe with your contacts and social media.
And thanks for being a fan - watching our show. Your love & support means the world to us.
Chris Hennessy
Film Maker, Author, Motivational Speaker
408-568-9330 email Chris
Yolo Yolo's - An Award-winning Reality TV Show
‘Hannah & friends fun & uplifting adventures through Yolo County & Beyond'’
See Yolo YoYo's season #1 and #2 all 23 episodes on -
Sacramento Channel 18
Davis TV Channel 15 (DCTV-15)
Touched by Hannah
Chris Hennessy's upcoming Memoir Book
‘A man with cancer. His 1 lb. newborn. And their fight for life.’ -
- Read the excerpt on FaceBook

Chris Hennessy
Woodland, CA