Support Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones' Legacy
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Dear Friends of Elder Bill Jones, near and far,
My name is Karen Moe and I am an author and activist. Elder Bill Jones has invited me to collaborate with him to write his legacy, a 300-400 page book called: Flying the Coop: Fairy Creek and the Legacy of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones. By Bill Jones, Karen Moe & Fairy Creek Forest Defenders. We have written approximately 100 pages thanks to all of the wonderful people who believe in the book. Very exciting and thank you!
Elder Bill applied to the Canada Council to help write his legacy as an Indigenous Culture Carrier, residential school survivor and the spiritual leader of the Fairy Creek Blockade—the largest act of civil disobedience in Canada with its unrelenting fight to save some of the last remaining old growth forest not only in BC, but also in the world—and was declined. We are having a fund-raiser to work to create the financial support for Elder Bill’s legacy that Canada denied not only him, but the old growth trees that, in activist Joshua Wright’s words, “speak to you and speak through you” and now, as greed-driven forestry companies like Teal Jones continue to proclaim their right to destroy the land and all of the species who live there: “you can hear the trees screaming, asking for help.”
What follows is the description of the book in Elder Bill's words.
“This book will be a personal chronicle of my maturation and the completion of my experience as a colonized and desensitized person from my survival of residential schools where First Nations children were numbed and robbed of their personhood. During the Fairy Creek Blockades, I was able to finally totally realize myself and my self-worth, where I learned that my direction is to serve my Great Mother and be quiet in her realm, especially up in her old growth forest.
I feel that my Great Mother has let me live through the genocide of my people and realize what happened to us. When sitting in a tent during a storm up at Fairy Creek, I suddenly said to myself: “I know what happened.” I woke up from the great sleep. I want to tell this story.
I think this book will help me gather my thoughts of my experience at Fairy Creek, exchanging with our Great Mother and share what I discovered: that our Great Mother needs everyone’s help, both Indigenous and settler, and that we are totally dependent upon her and this earth and how, through helping her, she shows us the way. This book will show how our Great Mother is always there waiting for us.
At the Fairy Creek Blockade that began in August 2020, as the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history, we re-flowered between five and seven thousand people to realize that they have their own personhood that was quashed by Western Culture: imperialist, colonial, economic culture. We planted the seed of self-realization there. One young man said to me after one of my talks, “Oh, we are here re-indigenizing ourselves.” Now, he is out in the world beyond Fairy Creek sharing the finding of himself so that others can too, beyond an economic culture of exploitation.
Like the old growth forest and the experiences of all of the Forest Defenders (the First Nations like myself who are against old growth logging and the settlers who came to help us protect the forests), this book will be a gathering place and an invitation for everyone to join us. It will be composed in the form of ‘wisdom weaving’ whereby, through my story, the colonization of our people will be woven into sharing what we have found and can always find through our Great Mother. This book will strengthen hope by guiding this world in its self-realization and help humankind get out of this current mess we are in as a species. I want to share this story as my legacy to my people and to the world before I die and, as my mother said, before I walk in the clouds until I am called again.”
Please help this book be written in one year and, ideally, published in two. As an author, I know that it usually takes at least two years to publish a book and that’s not including the actual writing of the book along with the time taken to put together submissions to agents and presses.
Please help share this Go Fund Me to help us spread the word and write this book, which will also be a manifesto to contribute to, in Elder Bill's words: “showing the world that we are going in peace and happiness knowing that we are the winners!”
Writing a book is a very time consuming-endeavour. Your donations will be used for the time needed to research, conduct interviews with Forest Defenders and compose Elder Bill's story of his family history and personal life, write the project proposal, submit to agents and presses and, of course, write the book! We need at least $30,000 in order to do this in one year. Based on what is raised, the remainder will be for Elder Bill for the sharing of his priceless lived wisdom. As Elder Bill has told me many times, it is the creation of his legacy that is the priority. I am determined to help him do that.
This is a YouTube video from September 11, 2021 where Elder Bill invited the RCMP to join us and, with his typical generosity and grace, shared his wisdom and humility with them. With your help, this is what Flying the Coop: Fairy Creek and the Revolution of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones will continue to do and, in so doing, continue to "re-flower" Indigenous and settlers to recover our Indigenous selves.
On September 11th, 2021, as he invited the RCMP to join us, Elder Bill turned to all of us and said: "My friends and I have flown the coop!" That's where the inspiration for the title of his legacy originated!
Elder Bill with The Mother Tree. Thanks to Hugh Waller for this photo.
Elder Bill's health has improved and he hiked through Jurassic Grove this summer!
Elder Bill and I during our most recent interview at the site of the Pacheedaht long house where his Grandfather, Chief Charlie (Queesto) Jones, told him the stories he will share in his legacy and book. The long house was still there during Elder Bill's childhood, but it is now a campsite.
Thanks to Hugh Waller for this photo.
The Fairy Creek Watershed. I had the privilege to hike through this pristine eco-system in June 2021 while writing about Fairy Creek for my magazine, Vigilance Fierce Feminisms. For your interest, here are the articles I wrote.
Some other publications about Fairy Creek for Vigilance:
By Ben Barclay
By Gillian Ashley-Martz
When I was putting together the Canada Council Indigenous grant proposal for Elder Bill, I was in regular communication with a First Nations advisor at the Canada Council. Right away, she told me that the first thing the committee would ask is: "Why isn't an Indigenous person collaborating with Elder Bill and writing this book." A very valid question and one I was expecting. What follows are Elder Bill's words as to why he chose me and has given me the honour to help share his legacy with the world:
"I will be writing this book in collaboration with feminist activist, author and survivor, Karen Moe. I met Karen during the Fairy Creek Blockades in June 2021. She was reporting on the blockades for her magazine, Vigilance Fierce Feminisms.
Karen’s book, Victim: A Feminist Manifesto from a Fierce Survivor tells the story of the sexual violence she has survived and triumphed over. I see her experiences as parallel to mine. I feel that with her survival, she has been able to chronicle her experiences and give this world an understanding of how we can triumph. I want to do the same with my story to let the world know that we can find comfort and joy in this world that fulfills and completes us.
I trust Karen Moe to tell all of mine, replete with its triumphs and all of the pain that myself and my people have survived and can work towards ending the trauma. She rebelled against her own patriarchal world and created her feminist revolution and that’s why I feel she is capable of doing the same with my experiences."
If you'd like to learn more about me and my work, check out my website:
Included in the Canada Council grant proposal, there were numerous letters of support for the writing of this book. I thought I'd share them with you here:

From the Northwest Indigenous Council.

From Edward H. Sparks, Hunka Oglala Lakota.

From Leila Sujir at Concordia University.
May 22, 2023
Canada Council Creating, Knowing & Sharing Program,
I am writing on behalf of Elder Bill Jones of the Pacheedaht First Nation to state and share the fact that Elder Bill is already a culture carrier, wisdom holder & leader for his own people as well as an ever growing community surrounding him. Elder Bill’s affect is unparalleled as he works tirelessly to “re-sensitize” his people and our community after the effects of being raised in the cold, dehumanizing and modern western culture. He alone is the driving force behind the movement of Fairy Creek which drew thousands upon thousands and became Canada’s largest act of civil disobedience. He was our Elder and connection to ancient wisdom passed down from our Ancestors, generation after generation. People became dedicated heart & soul to saving the sacred old growth because of the words and sacred messages he shared during marches & rallies up the mountains of the Fairy Creek watershed, he himself, called us there to protect.
The gift of writing and transcribing Elder Bills words of wisdom into a book will be a gift for our next 7 generations as well as for Mother Earth. Elder Bill holds sacred knowledge that must be recorded and shared. This is a cultural necessity. The First Peoples have lost so much…. It is our responsibility to do everything we can to protect and preserve cultural knowledge. Elder Bill not only has cultural knowledge handed down to him by his family, but he channels Spirit so incredibly beautiful and elegantly when he speaks to both small and large groups of people.
The Dzunuk’wa Society – The Wild Women of the Woods fully supports a book written by Karen Moe under the guidance & wisdom of Elder Bill Jones.
Rainbow Eyes
Da’naxda’xw/Awaetlala First Nation
Founding member of the Dzunuk’wa Society
June 7, 2023
Canada Council for the Arts
First Nations Culture and Carrier Program
Peer Assessment Committee
Dear Committee Members:
Please accept this communication as an enthusiastic Letter of Support for the production and development of the book with the working title: “Flying the Coop: Fairy Creek & the Revolution of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones.”
First an introduction. My name is Kathy Code and in August of 2020, I asked and was invited to join the movement that become known as the Rainforest Flying Squad. I went on to develop the Legal Team, and found the lawyers and the funding while conducting a great deal of research. What started out as a plan to save a magnificent stand of old-growth forest in Fairy Creek has since turned into the biggest civil disobedience movement in Canadian history. As we peeled back layer after layer of the complexities involved, we discovered that the crux of the matter was in fact the lost and ignored rights, title and sovereignty of the Indigenous peoples. In this situation, the old-growth forest stood on the unceded lands of the Pacheedaht First Nations. It was through the spiritual teachings and guidance of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones that we as settlers began to learn the painful and crushing history of the Indigenous peoples in British Columbia. It is also through Elder Bill’s kindness and generosity of spirit that we learned that we are all one, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike, and that we must find ways to collaborate if we are to protect the old-growth forest so fundamental to the existence of all of us.
Quite simply, the story of Elder Bill is one that needs to be told. His life story is the embodiment of the attempted genocide of the Indigenous people and how one man has survived that experience. In his role as spiritual guide and mentor at Fairy Creek, he has made an incredible difference in how people across the world perceive old-growth forests and the spiritual essence they hold.
Karen Moe has a proven track record as a writer and a survivor, having written of her own journey of sexual violence and triumph. Elder Bill trusts her to tell his story and in my conversations with Karen, I am satisfied she will fairly and accurately represent Elder Bill and the events that took place at Fairy Creek.
As a member of the Rainforest Flying Squad, I thoroughly support this application for Canada Council funds to write Elder Bill’s story.
Should you have comments or questions, I can be reached at [email redacted] or at [phone redacted].
Many thanks for your consideration of this letter and application.
Kathy Code
Fairy Creek Legal Team
Rainforest Flying Squad
Canada Council for the Arts
To Peer Assessors:
I am writing to you in full support of the book about Elders Bill Jones’ life and legacy being written in collaboration with feminist activist, author and survivor, Karen Moe
To fully support her in writing the manifesto of Elder Bill Jones.
The book Working Title: Flying the Coop: Fairy Creek & the Revolution of Pacheedaht Elder Bill Jones.
I think this book will benefit the world to understand that “ Fairy Creek” starts with the knowledge keepers of the Pacheedaht Nation Elder.
I am Marlene Hale and I am from the “Wet’suwet’en Nation. I am a Chef/Activist/Filmmaker and reside in Tiohtià:ke/ Montreal.
In 2021 at the height of the pandemic, I was unsuccessfully trying to get to my people and Nation. It was closed due to the pandemic, and I found myself in Victoria BC. Where I was introduced to the most eloquent soft spoken “ Elder Bill Jones”
I spent over six months with the Fairy Creek Blockade, working tirelessly on behalf of the Land Defenders and Elder Bill Jones.
We went all the way to Geneva Switzerland to the “Special Rapporteurs” Mary Lawlor of the UN. For the atrocities, and genocide that was taking place at Fairy Creek.
I recently visited Victoria and filmed “Elder Bill Jones” on a film that I am working on. “ Systemic Racism” The film will start with him, speaking of how far back Systemic Racism has played a part of the Indigenous People.
He always spoke of a book, and would make sure that I would get the first copy, to see what I thought about it.
He has been a key guest on my weekly webinar “Marlene Webinars Solidarity Action Group” . We talked with the Conservationists, Botanists, and spoke highly of the ecological and environmental benefits. He is adored by many who come on, and have shared how they cherish the time they spent listening to his knowledge.
It comes to how important and valuable his words are to carry on, his legend will carry onto the future generation of this planet. His Mother Earth, his respect for the land and his people.
The commitment for funding this book helps with the Indigenous Values and the world has to understand how the Elders are the True Knowledge Keepers and they hold the answers for the future we have left on this planet.
Marlene Hale
Wet’suwet’en Nation
22 Saint Anne
Pointe Claire, Quebec
H9S 4P7
To the Peer Assessment Committee,
My name is Rose Henry. I am an Elder in my community and I’m known as Grandma Losah.
I am from the Tla'amin Nation, firmly known as Sliammon. This is my mother's nation. My Dad is from Klahoose.
I have known Bill for over 20 years. We met through his late brother. Bill's and my friendship has evolved over the years. Our encounters have always been around building a positive community and towards a legacy for the generations to come.
Bill's commitment to his family and community that includes everyone who enters his realm, has been out-standing. Bill is so considerate of others desires to learn about him and his nation that he wants to document his legacy of pushing for saving the old growth. He has spent life working for his family and his entire and putting forward a positive image for all indigenous people. His believes in the creating this positive image comes through everything he does. He believes that that one of the best assets to create this positive is through sharing his stories and believes through story-telling, reading and writing. I would totally support Bill if he was to start document everything he knows and does.
Over the years Bill has shared his vision for a better life for all. He has shared his work history and his beliefs in climate concerns, and his willingness help create changes with or without supports.
I know that Bill works tirelessly for everything he believes will help community.
Rose Henry (Grandma Losah)

Elder Bill Jurassic Grove, Sooke, BC August 2023. Thanks to Hugh Waller for this photo.

Fairy Creek Blockade August 14th, 2021 approximately 250 Forest Defenders
led by Haida Matriarchs marched up Granite Main and, in so doing, helped take back
from the highway to River Camp from the RCMP and Teal Jones.
It's all about the numbers. In Canada, it's still possible to help save the planet.

The Old Growth Forest we are fighting to protect.

Red Dress ... This is one of the most profound art installations
I have ever seen. Approximately 100 red dresses were hung
in a clear cut on Granite Main, representing the deep
connection between the rapes and murders of Indigenous
women and the rapes and murder of the forests and the land.

Aunty Rainbow Eyze & Guiding Star June 2021.

The Forest Defenders of River Camp August 14th, 2021


Karen Moe
Nanaimo, BC