Support Pastor James
"Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 NKJV. Pastor James Coates has been a rare and refreshing voice of courage in these unprecedent times. He has stood on the word of God faithfully, courageously and uncompromisingly as a man of God when all around him men falter and fail. Pastor James is facing what not too long ago would have been unheard of. He has been charged (See Links) for having church service. This is in Alberta, in Canada friends. This is what it is coming to. I have no idea the extent of legal fees he has incurred but I'm raising money to benefit Pastor James and Gracelife Church of Edmonton, to do good as Galatians 6:10 exhorts us to, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause.
Johan Klassen
La Crête, AB
GraceLife Church of Edmonton