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Support Paul in Honor of Missy’s Loving Memory

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Hello family and friends of Mildred (Missy) Cottrell and Paul Tesdahl. As I am sure you are aware, Missy passed away unexpectedly on Monday Sept 16, 2024 at the age of 52. This go fund me is being created to financially assist Paul, her loving partner of 16+ years with living expenses as well as purchase of a headstone and funeral costs.
Missy was the main financial support for the couple due to disabilities stemming from two previous strokes leaving Paul unable to work. He has been fighting for his own disability for nearly two years, and is currently in his second appeal awaiting a hearing.

Missy was everything to Paul. Loving and caring for him when no one else did. Even in the bad times she was his voice of reason with her calm, loving, demeanor. Missy was such a kind, loving person, who spent her career caring for others as an RN and director of nursing for more than 20 years. She was the biggest advocate for her patients. She was working towards her nurse practicioner license, and was just a few short credits from graduation when her health took a turn for the worse and she had to stop working.

At home Missy loved spending her time with Paul and their three children, Jerod, Adrianna, and Kylissa, as well as their fur babies Princess and Leo. Tragically, Adrianna passed in June 2023 at the age of 16, and Princess just one week before Missy. Those of faith would believe that they were both at the gates of heaven to welcome her home.
Missy loved watching cooking shows on TV, shopping, and talking with her friends. There is a huge hole in our hearts as no one will ever replace her fun loving spirit and warm hugs.

Paul is now left to try to pick up the pieces of his broken heart without the love of his life. He is currently concerned the most with a place to live while facing his own medical issues, as well as paying for their storage unit before the end of the month as well as everyday expenses and of course the overwhelming cost of the funeral. Any donation you can make would be helpful and very much appreciated.

Everyone struggles these days, and no one understands this more than Paul, but we must lift each other up in trying times such as these.

Thank you so much for reading this and for your kindness and prayers.

RIP Mildred Ann Cottrell
(Feb 2, 1972 to Sept 16, 2024)
We love and miss you!

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Kerry Kysylyczyn
Rochester, MN

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