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Support Peter Roux's Art Studio and Business Recovery

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My name is Peter Roux and I am a professional artist. My studio in Riverview Station in the River Arts District in Asheville was destroyed in hurricane Helene. I am not alone in this. A massive section of River Arts no longer exists, and hundreds of artists were affected. In my building alone, over 70 artists no longer have studios. We are all business people and professionals who rely on our studios as the foundation of our business. Many now have no business of any kind, and no way to make critical income to simply live.

I am one of them, and I now face having to rebuild quickly- all materials, all supplies, and most importantly, a place to effectively work. I rely on this to provide for my family- it is my passion but also my full-time job and income source. I need to begin again immediately, in any fashion, and am asking for help. Asking is hard, but this event is unprecedented, so I’m doing it.

My immediate needs are supplies, materials, canvases, an easel of some type, as well as securing and fashioning workspace. Because of toxicity of water and environment, I was able to only save a printmaking press from my studio alongside a small amount of tools. I have to replace the rest. Even furniture, lights, etc are lost. I have to save my business by starting over.

Longer term, a more permanent studio solution is critical. It’s impossible for me to know at this early stage what costs that might entail. But it is also something I face.

Any donation will help, no matter the size. And it will be directly applied to these needs, with deep thanks. I realize there are an endless number of people in my region affected by this hurricane and the needs are massive. Please only contribute if this feels important to you. If you’re moved to contribute to other needs being identified by other folks, please do so. Thank you so very much.


Peter Roux
Asheville, NC

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