Support Photo Stealers
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My name is Corey and I run Photo Stealers.
I've been running the blog, Photo Stealers, since 2012. It is where I post about fauxtographers who are up to no good. They are doing things like using images from other photographers and presenting them as their own works, no showing to events, or taking money for workshops and not actually holding said workshop (or sometimes all of these and more).
I never make a post without significant research. The law is on my side. However, it doesn't mean that I don't get threats to be sued, so many C&Ds I've lost count. and in some cases actually sued.
I've been involved in one lawsuit that has been ongoing since 2020 and now I have been added to another lawsuit.
The legal fees are daunting and coupled with having to take some time away from my business to get a much-needed surgery it just just a bowl full of suck for me right now.
I do not want to do this but I feel I have no choice.
I keep doing this because for every fauxtographer I out that turns into an utter chaos gremlin, I have 10 people who reply and thank me for what I do and the rare client who reaches out and thanks me for saving them from booking from a photographer listed because they had no idea the images weren't theirs. I've managed to get some clients money back, many clients photos delivered and even some fauxtographers brought to justice in the court system.
Every time a client gets burned by a fauxtographer it influences that client, and I'd also say their friend/family circle, on if/when they invest in professional photography in the future and how much they're willing to risk. This affects everyone, not just the client and fauxtographer that were in the original business relationship.
So, here I am humbly asking for a donation of even a dollar to contribute to the funds to keep the site running and properly represented.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your ongoing support of my mission.

Corey Balazowich
North Canton, OH