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Support Quill While Closed For COVID-19 Pandemic

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Dear friends,

Allison and Matthew here, co-owners of Quill Books & Beverage, a coffeeshop, bookstore, bar, community space and LGBTQIA safer space in Westbrook, Maine.

We had to make a hard decision to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic today and how rapidly it is spreading in Maine. What should have been an easy decision was difficult because as a small business with tight margins, we want to continue being a community space for a long time to come. Ultimately we had to make the right decision for the safety of our community, even if we aren’t sure how we will get through the next month. Our overhead is high. We depend on every day’s sales and our weekly events.

Our goal amount covers paying our employees their last paycheck before unemployment kicks in (done! Thank you all), paying April rent and utilities, and our April 5th payment of our small business loan. We expect that we will be paying May rent with little to no income in April as well.

We know there are a lot of people in need right now. But if you feel like chipping in the $5 you would have spent on a latte this week or the $10 you would have spent on lunch, we will be forever grateful. Additionally, you can email us to purchase gift cards (we can mail them!) or a $25 three book deal based on books you’ve enjoyed, delivered to your home (within ~25 min of Westbrook, we’re still working out the radius).   

We will continue to focus on how we can promote community while we are all isolated and try our best to offer virtual events (details to come). We will use our social media platforms to keep the Quill community connected. If you can’t donated now but benefit from these things later, feel free to come back and leave a donation if you can. Stay tuned on our social media pages to keep updated.

Stay safe everyone, we can’t wait to see you when we’re back. So much love to you all.

Allison & Matthew, co owners



Allison Krzanowski
Westbrook, ME

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