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Support Rick Kehl's Final Days in Hospice

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Our family is making this GoFund Me account for our father and pop pop, Rick Kehl. He has been battling illness for a very long time and the doctors have informed him there is nothing else they can do for him. At this time, they are giving him less than a week to live. Starting today, he will be living his final days in hospice care. He has battled congestive heart failure, polycystic kidney disease and has been on dialysis for 18 years. The insurance companies have refused to give him life insurance due to his illnesses. With your help, our family hopes to be able to afford the daily fee needed to have him live the rest of his life in hospice. As of now, he would just like to be surrounded by close family and friends. Please let us know first if you would like to say goodbye. We would be so thankful for your generosity and compassion during this very difficult time. We want to fulfill our dad and pop-pops wishes as best as possible. Thank you so much everyone.

Brogan, Megan, Lauren, Peighton, George, Quinten, Delilah, Briella, Vayda & Hazel.


Lauren Kehl
Indianapolis, IN

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