Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Support Rip Van Winkle Gardens Tornado Recovery

Donazione protetta
Rip Van Winkle Gardens and neighboring Live Oak Gardens was devastated by a tornado at 3 am June 2nd. Massive amounts of large trees inlcuding 2-300 year old live oaks were destroyed. It is heart breaking to see the level of destruction that was left in the wake of this storm. The task of cutting trees, hauling off and building repairs will cause a huge financial burden. Unfortunately due to the exhorbitant price of wind and hail coverage which was unaffordable for us, we have no assistance from insurance for this damage. We appreciate your generosity and consideration in making donations to repair and restore Rip Van Winkle Gardens back to it's pre-storm glory. Funds will be used to make repairs to Cafe Jefferson, Bayless Center, tree cutting and removal.

Team di raccolta fondi (2)

New Iberia, LA
Michelle Richard
Team member

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