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Support Ryan and Mom's Journey Out of Poverty

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Help Ryan and His Mom Escape Poverty Under a Wealthy Employer - A Call for Compassion and Action

I feel deeply compelled to help Ryan and his mother, who is an amputee, living in a single bedroom of a deteriorating house. Their situation is heartbreaking, and they deserve a chance at a better life. Ryan is a hardworking caretaker at a neglected 400-acre ranch, but despite his efforts, he and his mother are struggling to make ends meet.

This GoFundMe campaign aims to raise $100,000 to support Ryan and his mom over the next three years. I will personally control and distribute the funds, ensuring they are used appropriately and effectively. The entire process will be documented on video, providing complete transparency and accountability. Each month, I will release a portion of the funds to Ryan, helping him to improve their living conditions and quality of life without the risk of misuse.

Every dollar raised will go directly to supporting Ryan and his mother, helping them escape poverty and build a stable, dignified life. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant impact. Let's come together to show compassion and change their lives for the better.

Thank you for your generosity and support.


Michael Rader
Royse City, TX

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