Support the Macedonia Schools Project
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Macedonia is a land-locked country that won its independence when Yugoslavia fell apart in the 1990s. It is located in southeast Europe, north of Greece, east of Albania and west of Bulgaria. The people are friendly and optimistic about the future of their small country of about 2 million and support the education of their children. However, schools have limited budgets and salaries are low. For instance, the average teacher earns approximately $600 a month.
Coordinating with Macedonian schools and youth organizations since 2004, the Macedonia Schools Project has helped the students and teachers of numerous schools in need. We have provided countless school supplies such as: maps, globes, first aid equipment, lab equipment, books, computers, sports equipment, musical instruments, projectors, desks, chairs, and even a HVAC system. So far we have worked with 10 schools ranging from two-room village school houses to larger elementary schools in the capital city of Skopje. To learn more, visit our website: https://msp.charity/
Make a difference by donating today to Macedonia Schools Project!
The MSP is tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Michael Speroff
Seattle, WA
Macedonia Schools Project