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Support Sienna's Medical Journey

Donativo protegido
Hi, I'm Sienna, a full-time graduate student. I have a dynamic disability and use a couple different types of mobility aids, including a wheelchair, to help me get around. They are especially useful on campus and help me preserve my energy for my classes, lab research, and on-campus job.

I am fundraising to help pay for recent medical expenses -I lost healthcare coverage for a month and a half, and wouldn't you know that's when I required emergency surgery for ovarian torsion. The funds will go toward my medical bills and help me purchase Yamaha power-assist wheels for my wheelchair, which insurance denied, despite two physicians declaring them medically necessary.

Thank you for helping me! I will do my absolute best to pass the goodwill on. :)

Donativos (3)

  • Sarah High
    • 25 $
    • 10 meses
  • Christopher Thelen
    • 60 $
    • 10 meses
  • Rose Lambrechts
    • 25 $
    • 10 meses
Sé uno de los primeros en colaborar

Tu donativo es importante



L Sienna Miller
La Crosse, WI

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