Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Support SIFF Staff

Beschermde donatie
We’re not in Kansas anymore...

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” ... It’s easy to forget the folks behind the scenes. But those ‘behind the scene’ folks are the ones who make festival and SIFF possible. It’s more than just the programmers; it’s the folks in operations, education, marketing and communications as well as others. These are the folks we’re asking you to help today...

SIFF’s Cinema staff (the folks who work in SIFF’s theaters) raised almost $24,000, that’s wonderful! But now it’s time to show SIFF Staff (the folks who make SIFF what it is) our support!  If everyone were to give the average amount spent going to a movie, we could raise over $10,000! Or think how much you would have put forth to sponsor a film and donate that. Whatever the amount, your donation will help SIFF Staff make it through these troubled times.

These are dark times indeed and I know we’re all concerned about what the future holds, but that future will be a lot darker without SIFF. This crisis will pass and the country will recover, but if we want SIFF to survive we need to help support the folks who help make SIFF what it is. So please, give what you can.

Inzamelingsactieteam: (1)

FOOL serious
Seattle, WA
Lisa Woodruff
Team member

Jouw gemakkelijke, krachtige en vertrouwde plek voor hulp

  • Gemakkelijk

    Doneer snel en gemakkelijk

  • Krachtig

    Help rechtstreeks de mensen en doelen die jij belangrijk vindt

  • Vertrouwd

    Je donatie wordt beschermd door de GoFundMe Donatiegarantie