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A few days I went to bear witness at a livestock auction and went into the pig barn. At this moment, all of the pigs have been sold to be sent to slaughter at the end of the night. I wanted to go in there and be with the pigs for a little, just to bring some kindness to them. That was when I came across a very sick piglet who would not stand up. I immediately found someone who worked there and told them I wanted this piglet. The guy told me "Oh that pig, you can have him, we are just going to shoot him later anyways". I instantly scooped up this piglet and rushed him to the emergency vet. I drove an hour and a half to the only vet hospital that could see him. He had clear neurological issues from being trampled. When I arrived at the hospital I rushed him inside, held him tight and he took his final breaths. He passed away. I named him Charlie. He had to have a name, Charlie mattered.
Charlies story stuck with so many people online, so many of you messaged me saying "I am so sorry about Charlie, I love him so much", I really felt like I wasn't alone in this rescue. It's why I am so incredibly grateful for Sleepy Pig Farms community.
Flashback to now, it's only 3 days since the auction. Right now we have 5 undeveloped acres that I want to dedicate for farm pigs, like Charlie. We could save so many lives in 2022 if we can do this. We plan on fencing in everything, and putting in a large pig barn with many isolation stalls. We would have to get power, water, and put in another driveway to get access to this. We want to name the barn "The Charlie Barn".
Tiffany Paltauf
Granville, NY
Sleepy Pig Farm Animal Sanctuary Inc