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Support Steve Mcatee Lighthouse Owner After Devastating Fire

Spende geschützt
The Lighthouse Inn Supper Club experienced a devastating fire on August 14th, just a month after celebrating its 112th anniversary. This business has been the pride and joy of Stephen Mcatee, the owner. Our hearts break with this horrible news. We want to support Steve through donations that will be given directly to Steve as he navigates this tragedy. Steve is one of the most selfless and kind people you could ever meet. Please support him as he has supported many of us in our times of need.


  • Barbara Proksa
    • $50
    • 19 d
  • Duffy Schamberger
    • $300
    • 19 d
  • Dudley Fleck
    • $500
    • 19 d
  • Megan Tower
    • $50
    • 20 d
  • Anonym
    • $150
    • 22 d

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Shanae King
Cedar Rapids, IA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt