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Support Talashia and her Family with Funeral Arrangements

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Dear Friends, Family, and Fellow Service Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I reach out today to help support a dear friend, coworker, and fellow military member, Talashia Jackson, during an incredibly challenging time. Talashia recently experienced the heartbreaking loss of her grand-aunt, Lillie Chase, and the emotional toll is overwhelming.

As we all know, the loss of a loved one is a moment that no one can truly prepare for. On top of the grief, there are often unexpected costs that come with funeral arrangements, including the funeral service, burial, and other final expenses. My goal is to come together as a community to lighten the financial burden on Talashia and her family, allowing them to focus on healing rather than worrying about these expenses.

Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference in helping to cover funeral expenses and provide comfort during this difficult time.

If you are unable to contribute, sharing this campaign will also be a tremendous help.

Thank you for your kindness, generosity, and support.


Marcia Donadelle
Brooklyn, NY

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