Support Taylor's Healing Journey After Dog Attack
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My name is Taylor. On April 4th, 2024, I went to a "friends house" to get paid for work I often did in her horse stables. She invited me inside the house, where there, a pitbull (unprovoked for any reason) ran at me and attacked me. I was bit on my breast, my legs, my arms. He bit me and would not let go. I screamed in pain as I could hear my skin popping or breaking through. We wrestled in the floor for eternity. I was screaming in pain but the more i screamed the harder he bit and the more he would violently shake me. At one point i was so defeated, i was petting on his head all the while he had my limbs in his mouth. I tried calming him every way I could. The owner would yell at him to stop however was not helping me for the longest time. I crawled to the door many times and he grabbed me by my legs and drug me back in. Finally after what felt like eternity, she grabbed his collar long enough for me to crawl out the door. I tried to stand but was losing feeling in my legs. I crawled to my car quite a distance but before that i looked back through the glass door to see him charging it over and over trying to break the glass. Ihave went to many attorneys for help and I can not find one because she did not have insurance on this pit bull on her farm, therefore I am getting no help. So I am finally able to speak out. I am leaving out names and places however I have plenty of evidence. Once I got to my car I turned my phone back on and called 911. She offered no help as I bled in my car awaiting a ambulance. I got to the hospital and had surgery. Most of the pictures attached are after the healing started. That pain was unbearable. I was in a wheel chair and then a walker. I could not pick up my infant who turned 1 year old on the 12th of April (8days later) . My husband's job said it was secure , but as soon as he went back they let him go. We got behind on child support on his oldest, spent every bit of savings we had on medical supplies. I did get meals sent to my home from my church family and they did help with bandaids. All of our savings from our tax return gone within two months. I now take night mare medicine and have anxiety with dogs. I do not believe it was the breed. I am in no way saying that. I've grown up with pits, mastiff, Rottweilers, American bullies. It was that dog. That particular mean vicious dog. We are trying to catch up however my husband is still trying to find a job. It has been beyond frustrating. I'm terrified to Walk down the side walk with my kids for fear of people's dogs now. If you can help, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. If you can not, please just pray. I am a firm believer in God. My family has had a rough year. We also lost my father and I've lost a few friends. We're just hoping for better more beautiful days ahead. Any money will help catch us up on bills, recover from medical expenses, but mostly take care of our children and get back on our feet.


Taylor Hall
New Castle, IN