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Support The Ackerman Family

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Dear friends,

   A few short weeks ago what seemed like a routine appendectomy for 35 year old Billy Ackerman, took a shocking turn when Doctors found a large tumor inside his appendix.  As it turns out, Billy has an EXTREMELY rare form of appendix cancer.  It looked for a few days, like it had been contained to the appendix, but when he was in for surgery to remove the right side of his colon as a precaution, the surgeon found that the cancer had spread to the abdominal wall and could not proceed with the surgery.  Because this is such a rare and aggressive cancer, we aren’t quite sure how it will react to the treatment plans. 

  In addition to working with a team of Doctors at UPMC in Pittsburgh where they live, Billy will be working with a surgeon in Washington DC who specializes in the type of treatment that he will require.  After a few months of Chemotherapy, Billy will be able to have the right side of the colon removed along with the spots found in the abdomen.  Then a HIPEC treatment will be performed.  This involves basically washing his insides with hot chemo.   Once he heals from that, he will need to continue his Chemotherapy in Pittsburgh. 

  Billy is an extremely loving husband and father to his wife Jessica and 15 month old son Beckham; this will be a long road to remission filled with surgeries, treatments and travel between hospitals making it difficult for Billy to work like he normally would.  Being a contractor, it will be a challenge to do the physically demanding job that he is used to.  The Chemotherapy will take its toll, making him tired and causing loss of feeling in his hands and feet, along with a slew of other possible side effects the treatment may cause. 

  Jessica has a full time job, however they are a two income family and are mostly dependent on Billy’s earnings.  Any help given would go towards paying for hospital bills (the surgery that he is receiving is not covered by insurance), travel to DC and household bills. 

  This page has been established to provide whatever assistance we can, to help get this family through this difficult time with as little stress as possible.  We want Billy to be able to focus on beating his cancer and not worry about paying the bills. 

The Ackerman family is so grateful for all the love and support that they have received so far.  Any additional help we can give them is extremely appreciated during this difficult time. 

Thank you


  • Carl Snyder
    • $100
    • 6 yrs


Farach Davidson
Canonsburg, PA

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