Tragic Loss of Nikki Bland
Sunday May 28th 2017, Nikki Bland and 4 of her daughters were in a tragic ATV accident. Nikki was unable to recover from her injuries and sadly passed away the same evening. Abby Bland was also injuried in the accident and was hastily airlifted to Laboner Childrens Hospital in Memphis in which she suffers from a fractured vertebrae and bruised ribs. She is now back home and is beginning her healing journey, both physically and emotionally alongside her father, 4 sisters, and brother.
Nikki was such a wonderful mother, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. Anyone who knew Nikki, knows that out of all the above, she was exceptionally amazing at being a mother. No matter how big her to-do list grew or how wild her days colminated- she loved every single minute of being a mother. She had such a selfless soul and would always put her loved ones before herself. Her genuine care for others and exuberant personality pulled so many towards her friendship.
We have all yet to discern the reasonings behind such sudden and tragic events but we do know that coming together as one helps allieviate the sting and provides a good ground to cope.
The Bland family will need help with funeral costs, medical costs, and time off during such a difficult time. All donations help! Thank you.