Support The Family of Winston Smith Jr
Winston Smith ; 32 years old father of 3
A dedicated father, Son and brother, a light in any room he walked in...
Was murdered by MN Sheriffs yesterday, Thursday, the 3rd.
His 3 children won’t have a father to raise them. The world won’t be the same without him.
Full of life, the most positive and grateful human beings! No matter who you were, he spoke life into everyone, he wanted everyone to be great!
People knew him as “wincemeboi”, known through the state and around the country for his comedy and parody videos. Always seen with a smile on his face and laugh that was contagious!
(I; Lavish, have made the account on behalf of the family to help them in this most difficult time, the family has been authorized as beneficiary and all money will go directly to the family)
The money will cover the final expenses for Winston, and costs associated with the funeral.
Please support Winston and his family by donating & sharing this page!