Support the Grassmarket Community Project PLAN C
The Grassmarket Community Project supports many of Edinburgh's most vulnerable. From the homeless, people rough-sleeping, to people with a disability or mental health issues. We provide a safe welcoming supportive space physically in person but now also much more on line and by phone for people to re-connect with others or services for support . We deliver a diverse range of activities, training and support believing everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to the lives of others and to develop to their full potential. To many of our members we are their family. To many we are a life line. To some we are told that we are the only reasons they are alive. In the last 10 months one fifth of our members (287 people) told us they had not one single person we could call in an emergency - our members clearly face deep social isolation and social exclusion. Help us communicate to them they are important people in our lives and have so much to offer our community by donating today, please.
Grassmarket Community Project usually achieves 65% of the income it needs to continue through social enterprise. At present social enterprise activities are extremely limited, some are entirely closed, and income has been vastly reduced. This income usually subsidises much of the charitable programme GCP undertakes more widely. GCP will struggle to provide on-going support to vulnerable community members without ongoing support from our friends and supporters. We need your help to ensure critical services and support can continue including hot meals, distribution of essential items (toiletries etc), provision of digital support and equipment to overcome the “digital divide”, one to one support for individual practical, emotional and psychological needs, group activities and therapies and much more.
Earlier this year our friends helped raise £2,500 to help meet short term crisis costs. We still need help to ensure these services can continue, especially during periods of social and economic restrictions, until we are open to visitors and social enterprise activity once more. Help us to raise another £5,000 this autumn going into and through winter, when we know the meaningful community, warmth and friendship, and ensuring no one is forgotten, will be even more acutely needed by our vulnerable members.
Can you help? Please, if you can make a donation to our project's 'Plan C' funding to help us get through this period and support us into the next we would be exceptionally grateful.
Contact us for more information
Click here for our latest programme
Click here to refer someone or self refer for support

Grassmarket Community Project usually achieves 65% of the income it needs to continue through social enterprise. At present social enterprise activities are extremely limited, some are entirely closed, and income has been vastly reduced. This income usually subsidises much of the charitable programme GCP undertakes more widely. GCP will struggle to provide on-going support to vulnerable community members without ongoing support from our friends and supporters. We need your help to ensure critical services and support can continue including hot meals, distribution of essential items (toiletries etc), provision of digital support and equipment to overcome the “digital divide”, one to one support for individual practical, emotional and psychological needs, group activities and therapies and much more.
Earlier this year our friends helped raise £2,500 to help meet short term crisis costs. We still need help to ensure these services can continue, especially during periods of social and economic restrictions, until we are open to visitors and social enterprise activity once more. Help us to raise another £5,000 this autumn going into and through winter, when we know the meaningful community, warmth and friendship, and ensuring no one is forgotten, will be even more acutely needed by our vulnerable members.
Can you help? Please, if you can make a donation to our project's 'Plan C' funding to help us get through this period and support us into the next we would be exceptionally grateful.
Contact us for more information
Click here for our latest programme
Click here to refer someone or self refer for support

Fundraising team: Volunteers & Staff at Grassmarket (3)
Jonathan Kinross
Grassmarket Community Project
Gillian Couper
Team member
Mike Redgrave
Team member