You can make a BIG difference to our LOCAL COMMUNITY by donating today to THE GREEN COMMUNITY CENTRE, run by the Charity NUNHEAD'S VOICE LTD.
If you have ever stepped inside The Green Community Centre you know about all the great stuff that goes on here!
If you don't know us, we run free/by donations fun activities, fitness sessions and workshops for children and adults, family events, parent support groups, film screenings, fun days & craft fayres. Our community cafe serves the best coffee and we host dance classes, an Alzheimer Support group, all types of parties, big lunches, art fayres, clothes swaps and Nunhead's first Repair Cafe! As well as being open every day as a safe and welcoming space for the community.
The past year has been hard for everyone...For The Green this has meant creating more ways that we can try to support our community. But has also resulted in less parties, less classes, less hires and and less donations! The Green has not managed to raise as much money or attract as much funding as we had hoped for this year, and like many of you, we have felt the sharp increase in the cost of pretty much everything! The result is that we need your support!!!
Despite putting a brave face on and continuing to provide the services and activities you are used to, we are now in the position of deciding what activities and events might have to be cancelled, and considering shortening our opening hours to reduce our costs.
We really don't want to do this! So we are asking you to help, by donating any amount you can spare to help us through this tough time.
We need to raise £23,000 to replenish our reserve funds and give us the time we need to attract the core and program grants that we so desperately need to be able to continue our important work for the families and community of Nunhead.
Anything you can donate will be appreciated.
if you have ever brought your child to a class at the Green that they really loved,
or to see Father Christmas in our Wonderland Garden Grotto,
if you loved Nature Club on a Saturday morning,
enjoyed a coffee while they played in the garden,
or held their party in our hall...
If you enjoyed a good laugh over our delicious coffee and cake,
popped in just to use the toilet,
or asked us to print something for you...
If you have ever attended a party at the Green and loved the venue,
bought a new treasure at one of our Craft Sales,
had great fun taking part in one of our events,
or grown your own small business using our venue....
Basically, if you value The Green Community Centre