Support the LA LGBT Center with Pride@LOS
Tax deductible
Pride@LOS is raising money for the Los Angeles LGBT Center by hosting a "Pie in the Face" charity event!
How it works:
i. The 3 managers who have the most money raised toward their name will receive 1 friendly pie in the face at our June 14 Happy Hour.
ii. Contribute to your "favorite" LOS MDP and/or Sr BST Leader by using their unique links below:
- Daniel Acosta
- Beth Foster
- Amir Ganaba
- Michelle Chang
- Jody Foldesy
- Chris Chrisman
- Dave Ratino
- Santiago Ferrer
- Himesh Pathmanathan
- Phuong Vuong
Let the games begin!
More information about the Los Angeles LGBT Center:
Since 1969 the Los Angeles LGBT Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBT individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond.
Today the Center's nearly 800 employees provide services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world, offering programs, services, and global advocacy that span four broad categories: Health, Social Services and Housing, Culture and Education, Leadership and Advocacy.
Fundraising team (12)
Matthew Rivera
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles LGBT Center
Amir Ganaba
Team member
Beth Foster
Team member
Chris Chrisman
Team member
Daniel Acosta
Team member