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Support the Legacy of a Passionate Winemaker

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Many have heard of Barry Jackson’s passing. He was a father & grandfather, friend, mentor, husband, and a Winemaker. A Winemaker to his core. He loved to make good wine and for others to enjoy it. He loved to tell a good story (he had so many), over a glass of wine.

If you were lucky enough to find yourself at 334 Ingalls St on an afternoon when Barry was holding court, you would be regaled with stories and libations. Topics could range from Fresno State college days in the 1970’s, to Paul Maison winery in the 80’s, or feeding his son’s football team before games. He was known for his French toast that helped fuel many wins.

He left us on the morning of 9/13/2024. That’s right, Friday the 13th. For those who knew him, this is a beautiful nugget to his story.

He started his own business on April Fool’s Day because he thought it fitting given the journey he was about to embark on. We would all be along for the ride, wife, daughter and son. Our lives tuned to the rhythm of each vintage: grapevines and harvest.

This year is no different. As we grieve for Barry, the winery endures. There are projects/wines to complete, and agreements to be honored. Barry kept meticulous cellar notes for each wine under his care and his daughter is an excellent winemaker. She’s trained in sparkling wine cellars from UC Davis, to Napa, to Equinox.

Equinox will continue. Barry’s legacy will continue. Help us achieve our goal of $65K for operating costs and living expenses. Donations welcome!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Janeen Harris Jackson
Boulder Creek, CA
Jennifer Jackson

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt