Support the McNally Family (Seth, Dana, & Nezzie)
Thank for your visiting our fundraising page!
Dana and I created this fundraiser for a variety of reasons, so we want to explain ourselves here.
For those of you that follow Dana's Dream Team page you know, that Dana's journey with Cystic Fibrosis has entered a new chapter. With this final chapter, comes many new challenges and some all too familiar ones. The constant need for medications, the balance between infection and rejection, and the constant hospitalization are just a few of the familiar issues. Some new challenges include the loss of her independence, Dana's struggle with chronic pain, and managing her failing health while also being a mother to our beautiful Nezzie girl. It was with these familiar and new challenges in mind that we decided to set up this fundraiser.
Dana was blessed to receive her transplant nearly 6 years ago. Dana's transplant allowed her to pursue her passion of dance, regain her independence, and most importantly become a mother. If you are not aware, Dana's number one goal in life was always to become a mother, so this was a gigantic milestone. After discussions with her doctors, it was decided that second transplant was not an option. We are not sure what our timeline looks like, but Dana and I have talked a lot about making our limited time count.
Part of making our remaining time count is spending as much time together as possible. Having only one income is difficult enough, but with Dana's added needs, life can be very difficult. With your donation, we are looking to maximize our time together, by allowing Seth to work fewer hours over the summer. We are also looking to create lasting memories for Nezzie with her mom. We honestly worry about what Nezz will remember from this time, and we want to make sure there are many happy memories for her to hold onto. With Dana's many needs, Seth can also act as her primary caregiver around the clock. Finally, we know that with Fall's return, Seth will continue to look for a permanent teaching position. At that time our family will need to look to hire additional help to meet Dana's needs while Seth and Nezzie are at school.
Dana, Nezzie, and I thank you for any donation you make. Our lives have been infinitely changed by your kindness and we are so thankful for everything everyone has done and has offered to do. We know the final destination of our journey, but we hope for the chance to enjoy as much time, love, and laughter as we can along the way.
Seth, Dana, and Nezzie