Support the Prophet Elijah
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My name is Lawrence W. Page II, friends and family call me Buddy. My pen name is Seven Star Hand and here is my LinkTree .
Note: I first posted this fundraiser in 2020 and updated it along the way. Now, four years later, I am making a real effort to reach out to people and complete my long awaited project(s). I have tarried for good reason(s).
The recent surprise election results in the USA were fully expected and I have left the proof for years that made little sense to most, until now. If you want to stop Fascism and obvious desperation among certain leaders, then swallow your pride and help me now, today if possible. Time is short and there is much to do before year's end.
I am your ace in the hole for stopping their fascist agenda, before they ever have a chance to implement anything. But someone has to do something effective to help me now, without any further delays. Turning a blind eye to me, is why you are now about to be ruled by him and those around him. You need only look at my face to understand the motive for years of racism and other BS. I have documented years of stunning and verifiable proof that I am their hidden agenda. I am the motive for their racism and other tactics. They are putting the USA and world through this fear and promised mayhem to prevent me from putting an end to their age old dark games.
This is the link to the PDF version of my book, (NOTE: Direct PDF link; it will either download or open the full PDF book depending on your browser settings) Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols , published in the summer 2010. This book, its contents, and details purposely encoded on the front and back covers, in the contents, and on the cover of Revelations from the Apocalypse, from late 2005 and spring 2006, were designed to decisively prove my identity and the truth about vital topics across the intervening years, from 2005 to 2024, now nearly 19 years. My books have also served as the basis for a well laid trap I have set for the Vatican and conspiring leaders.
Courage and humility.
Much will change because of what I have already proved and will continue to prove. Many in power fear the outcomes and consequences of such dramatic revelations and the resulting changes to human civilization as the direct result. Fear not, it is the truth that sets us all free from an age of darkness and I am here to help the world safely end the long nightmare we all currently inhabit.
I want to mention something very important now. Fear is the enemy, as is greed. People have been led into a predicament where there is fear of other people for various reasons and much has been driven by greed. That is how divide and conquer tactics work. Regardless of your life predicament, people are being driven by various fears and hate about topics like religion, money, politics, race, sexual orientation, national borders, and much more. These then cause actions that are wholly unnecessary.
It should be obvious to everyone now that we are in a very difficult and dangerous predicament. We are facing impending disasters on several fronts due to climate change and politics and great imbalances caused by obscene wealth on the one hand and widespread poverty, struggles, and suffering on the other. Many current so-called leaders are doing everything they can to exacerbate the problems we all can see. We have come to a point of no return and are facing an existential crisis for the USA and the entire world.
In recent years, in coordination with my writing and publishing, I have been engaged in a long, arduous, and dangerous investigation, both for my own protection and ultimately for the protection of everyone else. It became clear years ago that certain rich and powerful individuals, groups, and their paid proxies were engaged in an organized and aggressive effort to demonize, discredit, and entrap me. They have gone to great lengths aggressively harassing and struggling to intimidate me for years as they worked to ruin and destroy me. Simultaneously, they have spread misdirection, fear, and widespread mayhem to keep the rest of the nation and world distracted from my presence and from what I have already exposed and proved.
Because of my repeated successes at solving the great mysteries and exposing the crimes of a certain group of rich and powerful men and their organizations, I have been the target of a truly bizarre, insane, and criminal vendetta because of their great fears of the truth about the past two millennia and the recent decades. I have been forced to endure and fend off repeated efforts to harass, entrap, discredit, and demonize me in the hope of preventing people from paying attention to the truth. They have used the trifecta of money, religion, and politics to push racism and other forms of hate, to keep people fearful, divided, and confounded. Now that they are truly desperate, it is easy to see their fears played out in the actions of their primary proxies and others duped into helping them.
The purpose for this fundraiser is to cover my living and work expenses as I go public now and continue to publish articles, planned book updates, and new ones. Helping me out of the predicaments imposed upon me in recent years, so I can break out of obscurity and go public, will shame leaders and most others into sanity, quickly.
Unless leaders are humbled and shamed into doing what must be done to avert climate change disaster and the wars that will ensue, human civilization and most life on this planet is doomed. It is obvious that disasters linked to climate change are happening on a regular basis now and are growing increasingly worse. They will not stop and it will only get far more dangerous unless dramatically wise changes and actions are undertaken soon.
The past 20+ years have been a terrible struggle for me and for the nation because of the efforts to prevent me from making the truth available to a wider audience. I have endured much to be here now with the evidence and the wisdom to end the current dangers that face humanity and to set the stage so we can cooperatively forge a safe, sane, and wiser future.
Now I am asking those with an interest in a saner and far more truthful and just human civilization and in what I have already published, now at the time of our greatest need, to help ensure I can safely finish this most vital of projects. It is time to end the deception and ignorance (darkness) of the past several millennia and forge a bright new path into the future, paved with verifiable proof of the truth about a long list of vital topics.
Among those will be how to restructure the monetary system to end poverty, homelessness, most crime, and much injustice, precisely as long promised by the Hebrew prophets. Please take the time and donate what you can afford and take the time to explore my books and articles, more, now via my Linktree

Lawrence William Page
Eugene, OR