Support the Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee
The Bridge Crossing Jubilee is rising to the challenge of a global pandemic by hosting the 56th Selma Jubilee Bridge Crossing totally VIRTUALLY March 5th-7th, 2021 and needs your support. To fight against the spread of COVID-19 the event, one of the largest annual commemorations of civil rights history in the country, will be broadcast around the world to commemorate Bloody Sunday, the Selma-to-Montgomery March, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
We have a goal to raise at least $500,000 on GoFundMe to support the work for 2021. We have already raised $250,000 in in-kind donations, but need your help to raise at least another $250,000 by the end of 2020! We ask that you dig deep and give what you can during this hard time for all of us and help us to offer this experience to people all around the world for free.
When we all give a little we can raise a lot!
If we can get 100,000 to donate $5 then we will reach our goal!
Our theme for 2021 is "Beyond the Bridge: People Power, Political Power, Education Power", and is dedicated to the legacy of John Lewis, C.T. Vivian, Joseph Lowrey, and so many other legends who helped pave the way for the work we continue today. The funds raised will be used to create an intergenerational experience focused on an increase in voter registration, community organizing, youth leadership and development training, scholarships, economic symposia, educational forums, and building national and international partnerships focused on social justice issues, continuing the work of the civil rights movement "beyond the bridge".
We are seeking your financial support to carry forth the unfinished work of social justice advocates like Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, Martin Luther King Jr., Jimmy Lee Jackson, John Lewis, Amelia Boynton Robinson, and the hundreds of Freedom fighters and foot soldiers whose quest was to assure that the right to vote was given to everyone. They have passed the torch to us and with your help, the right to vote will be valued and experienced by all legible citizens.
In the spirit of our ancestors and so many who have put their lives on the line, find YOUR bridge to liberty and equality, pick up the beat of the sacred drum, and March!! In the words of President Barak Obama when he came to Selma for the Jubilee, "Our march is not yet finished.". Please donate what you can.
What is Bloody Sunday?
On Bloody Sunday 1965, hundreds of nonviolent protestors marched over the Edmund Pettus Bridge calling for the right to vote for all people were brutally beaten by State Troopers for the entire world to see. That following week, Martin Luther King Jr. called our nation to complete the march across the Selma Bridge to the capital of the old confederacy, Montgomery, Alabama. They risked life and limb for the sacred right to vote. Each new generation swells the power of the vote, producing the political power to command a full-share of our nation’s economic power.
At that time and in this place, we responded to the call of Martin Luther King Jr. & hundreds of courageous others—Teenagers to Elder Grandmothers & Grandfathers—Meeting at the Selma Bridge. Today, more than ever, we need to come together to protect the Vote—By securing the Sacred Vote we together can move Beyond the Bridge, Sustaining People Power, Political Power, Economic Power.