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Support Christopher's Family After Tragic Loss

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Please Support the Urbina Family After the Loss of Their Miracle Child, Christopher

Our hearts are broken as we rally to support the family following the tragic loss of their beloved two-year-old, Christopher. Christopher brought endless joy to his family, and his loss has left an indescribable void.

Statement Released on September 14th by the Urbina Family:

On Friday, September 6, we unexpectedly lost our beautiful two-year-old boy, Christopher. Christopher was loved by his family, and he reciprocated that unconditional love. He was a sweet soul who brought joy to all those around him and we will forever hold his memory close to our hearts.

Christopher was more than just a beloved son—he was a fighter. Born after surviving medical complications that required surgery and the loss of his twin brother, Christopher’s birth was nothing short of a miracle.

The loss of a young child is an unimaginable heartache that no parent or family member should ever have to endure. We are so grateful to family and friends for their love, support and prayers. As we mourn the loss of our beloved Christopher, we ask for privacy. We will not be addressing the public, and we would like to ask the media for respect, privacy and responsible coverage, as inaccurate reports may add suffering to our grieving family. Thank you for your understanding.

How You Can Help:

As Joliet police sergeant told reporters on the day of Christopher’s passing, “Everyone in this incident is a victim.” In the wake of this unimaginable tragedy, the family is facing a heavy emotional and financial burden.

We are raising funds to support the family with:
• Funeral expenses for Christopher
• Medical expenses and support services
• Legal and other costs associated with this heartbreaking incident

Your compassion and generosity can help ease some of the family’s burdens during this devastating time. No contribution is too small, and every bit helps.

Please keep the Urbina family in your thoughts and prayers and thank you for your support.



Allen Urbina
Joliet, IL

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