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Help Tyson Seek Asylum in the US!

Donación protegida
"Asylum may be granted to people who are already in the United States and are unable or unwilling to return their home country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion." - United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Our dear Tyson is facing a challenge many of us will never be able to fully grasp: applying for asylum in order to escape being killed in his nation of birth. 

The Backstory
Tyson is from South Sudan, a country that will actively persecute him and his family should they be forced to return: "Most of my life has been on the move."

Through grit, hard work, and tenacity, Tyson taught himself AV tech/systems and came to the United States to seek more education and opportunity. Unfortunately, the American immigration system has ultimately failed him and he's now at risk of being deported back to South Sudan, where his life would be in very real danger. 

What's Next
Tyson has been working with immigration lawyers and everything raised here will go towards these legal fees. He is also barred from all employment while applying for asylum - a process that could take several months. In light of the challenges he faces, we're optimistic but remain aware that a stronger support network yields a higher success rate. 

How Can I Help?
Donate, share, and send words of encouragement! Our biggest hurdle are the legal fees, so our focus is on raising that money. Every dollar helps, as does sharing his story.

We believe in the power of compassion and community, and invite you to join in surrounding Tyson with love and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!



  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Catherine Kung
Emeryville, CA
Tyson Laa Deng

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