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Support UAW brother Antonio Gaston's Family After Tragedy

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Hello I am Tru Parham a union steward at the Toledo assembly plant. On August 21st our beloved union brother Antonio Gaston passed away in a tragic accident while performing his work duties. Antonio leaves behind his wife and 4 children. The memories we all have of “Tone” are brightened by his permanent smile and joyous nature. We work to provide for our families and our fallen brother tragically didn’t make it home to his. This fundraiser is to help alleviate some of the burdens that will fall upon his loved ones. Although money won’t bring him back, the support we show will forever impact his families lives forever. Any donations will be appreciated deeply. May his smile live forever


  • Victoria Fletcher
    • $40
    • 3 d
  • Shane Ford
    • $10
    • 4 d
  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 5 d
  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 6 d
  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 6 d


Tru Parham
Toledo, OH

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