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Support Ukrainian Families Relocate to Saskatoon

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I have personally witnessed my close friends and family suffer in Ukraine. They have been displaced from their home, city, and country. These families have chosen to immigrate to Saskatoon as a place to restart, where I hope to support them and give them a new start in life. The majority of these people are women with children.

Unfortunately, these Ukrainian families are not immediately eligible for any social assistance or child benefits from the Federal or Provincial government at present time. The Ukrainian Canadian Congress does not provide any funding to families, as they provide information services only.

At present I have 9 adults, and 10 children who are trying to relocate to Canada. The fundraising goal includes for expenses related to travel (plane tickets and lodging), settling costs in Saskatoon, and approximately 2 months housing and living costs while they establish themselves. At this time any money, gift cards, groceries, personal item, and household items will help support these families in need.

Spendenteam (2)

Olga Shmargun
Kyle Marinier
Team member

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