Support Undocumented Families!
Donation protected
Hello everyone,
As the executive director of the Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation (undocuscholars.com), a foundation for and by undocumented immigrants, I am launching a GoFundMe fundraiser to raise funds to support undocumented families and individuals during the current COVID-19 pandemic. As some of you may know, undocumented individuals are not able to access unemployment benefits, Medicare, federal social services and resources/services from many federally funded organizations and programs. Additionally, our community, as well as mixed-status families, will not receive stimulus checks. This leaves our community at-risk of being left without the proper resources they need to survive.
Our ask to allies is to donate and/or share this fundraiser with your networks so we can ensure that undocumented families have funds to pay bills, rent, buy groceries, seek medical care, etc.
If you are undocumented yourself, click here to fill out the application and apply for relief.
For GoFundMe purposes:
1. The recipients of our campaign's donation are community who we have been and are in direct contact with, and will continue to stay in contact with post-fundraiser.
2. We plan on insuring that the donations are delivered directly to their intended recipients by having folks fill out a form (which we provided the link to above). Once folks have filled out the form, we confirm with them via email or phone, that we have the correct information before directly sending them the funds.
3. We are keeping track of all donations, all requests, all disbursements, and tracking where every cent is going for transparency purposes.
Hola a todos,
Estamos lanzando una recaudación de fondos para recaudar fondos para apoyar a familias e individuos indocumentados durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Como algunos de ustedes saben, las personas indocumentadas no pueden acceder a beneficios de desempleo, Medicare, servicios sociales federales y recursos / servicios de muchas organizaciones y programas financiados por el gobierno federal. Esto deja a nuestra comunidad en riesgo de quedarse sin los recursos adecuados que necesitan para sobrevivir.
Nuestro pedido a los aliados es donar y / o compartir esta recaudación de fondos con sus redes para asegurarnos de que las familias indocumentadas tengan fondos para pagar facturas, alquilar, comprar comestibles, buscar atención médica, etc.
Si es indocumentado, haga clic aquí para completar la solicitud y solicitar ayuda.
Diana Betancourt Macias
Executive Director of the Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation
[email redacted]
Instagram: @BMFSFoundation
Twitter: @BMFSFoundation
Facebook: @BMFSF
As the executive director of the Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation (undocuscholars.com), a foundation for and by undocumented immigrants, I am launching a GoFundMe fundraiser to raise funds to support undocumented families and individuals during the current COVID-19 pandemic. As some of you may know, undocumented individuals are not able to access unemployment benefits, Medicare, federal social services and resources/services from many federally funded organizations and programs. Additionally, our community, as well as mixed-status families, will not receive stimulus checks. This leaves our community at-risk of being left without the proper resources they need to survive.
Our ask to allies is to donate and/or share this fundraiser with your networks so we can ensure that undocumented families have funds to pay bills, rent, buy groceries, seek medical care, etc.
If you are undocumented yourself, click here to fill out the application and apply for relief.
For GoFundMe purposes:
1. The recipients of our campaign's donation are community who we have been and are in direct contact with, and will continue to stay in contact with post-fundraiser.
2. We plan on insuring that the donations are delivered directly to their intended recipients by having folks fill out a form (which we provided the link to above). Once folks have filled out the form, we confirm with them via email or phone, that we have the correct information before directly sending them the funds.
3. We are keeping track of all donations, all requests, all disbursements, and tracking where every cent is going for transparency purposes.
Hola a todos,
Estamos lanzando una recaudación de fondos para recaudar fondos para apoyar a familias e individuos indocumentados durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Como algunos de ustedes saben, las personas indocumentadas no pueden acceder a beneficios de desempleo, Medicare, servicios sociales federales y recursos / servicios de muchas organizaciones y programas financiados por el gobierno federal. Esto deja a nuestra comunidad en riesgo de quedarse sin los recursos adecuados que necesitan para sobrevivir.
Nuestro pedido a los aliados es donar y / o compartir esta recaudación de fondos con sus redes para asegurarnos de que las familias indocumentadas tengan fondos para pagar facturas, alquilar, comprar comestibles, buscar atención médica, etc.
Si es indocumentado, haga clic aquí para completar la solicitud y solicitar ayuda.
Diana Betancourt Macias
Executive Director of the Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation
[email redacted]
Instagram: @BMFSFoundation
Twitter: @BMFSFoundation
Facebook: @BMFSF
Diana Betancourt Macias
Seattle, WA