Support Velibor's kidney transplant
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Some challenges are different from others...
This is my best friend. We have known each other for almost 25 years. Unfortunately, it has been 25 years that I am also familiar with his serious health problems.
Eight months after he was born he had a febrile convulsion after which he was diagnosed with: Syndroma Megacystis - Megaureter; Bilateral reflux (VUR bilateral grade IV) and neurogenic bladder.
Ever since, his never ending battle seems endless. The first of numerous operations he had was at only 9 months old. He underwent several urgent bladder, kidney and urethra surgeries in order to avoid permanent kidney failure.
However CKD - Chronic Kidney Disease was diagnosed at the age of 4 so the struggle of his family continued. After the final kidney failure in 2013. things got even more complicated. Now he must undergo dialysis 3 times per week. During this period both his kidneys were removed (nephrectomy) as one of the conditions for him to get transplantation. This practically excludes the possibility of having a regular job or organising any of those activities that we consider normal for someone in their early 30's. Despite all difficulties he graduated in 2018. at the Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.
The best long term solution is transplantation with no doubt. The good thing is that he already has a donor - his mother, but unfortunately, due to the poorly organised medical system in our home country - that has never happened. Obviously all these years of dialysis has influence his general health in a terrible way. While it partially does the kidney function, at the same time it destroys the cardio-vascular system, nervous system, his bones, and psychological and emotional health. After all these years of waiting for the transplantation, we practically lost hope that it would ever happen in Serbia. Our biggest fear is that at one point no operation will be possible at all if the bladder gets too small.
That's why our ultimate hope for a normal life is a kidney transplantation in Turkey. The surgery costs 50 000€ but we truly believe that good-hearted people from all over the world will join us in this challenge with a small donation.
I would be the happiest person in the world to see my friend healthy and to see him having a normal life like a rest of us, to be able to work, to do sports, to travel, to have a family. To enjoy all those life pleasures that we often take for granted.
Neki se izazovi razlikuju od drugih…
Ovo je moj najbolji prijatelj. Znamo se skoro 25 godina i isto toliko godina sam upoznata sa njegovim ozbiljnim zdravstvenim problemima.
U osmom mesecu života nakon febrilne konvulzije, dijagnostikovani su mu:
Syndroma Megacystis - Megaureter; Bilateralni refluks IV stepena i neurogena bešika.
Ubrzo posle toga sprovode se prve hitne operacije bešike, bubrega i uretera, sve u cilju izbegavanja trajnog oštecenja bubrega (HBI - hronična bubrežna insuficijencija), oštećenje koje se ipak dijagnostikuje u 4. godini života. Bitka se nastavlja.
Konačna bubrežna slabost usledila je 2013. godine i od tada on je na programu hemodijalize tri puta sedmično, što sa sobom nosi velike posledice na ceolokupan zdravstveni sistem čoveka.
Na veliku sreću, njegova majka je potencijalni donor, ali usled lošeg zdravstvenog sistema i organizacije zbog Corona virusa u R. Srbiji, transplantacija se već više od 2 godine prolongira, a to sa sobom nosi mnogobrojne rizike koji mogu onemogućiti samu transplantaciju.
Stoga, doneao je odluku da transplantaciju odrade u Turskoj, i za nju je potrebno skupiti 50.000 €
Verujemo sa će nam ljudi širom sveta svojim malim doprinosom pomoći u ovom izazovu.
Bila bih najsrećnija da vidim svog prijatelja zdravog i sposobnog da vodi normalan život i uživa u svakodnevnim aktivnostima, koje mi često olako shvatamo.
Katarina Spasic
Dugny, VS