Support Village School's Musical Dreams
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Dear Sir / Madom,
I am a 51 years old married person and I have one boy with age of 14 years. I have no any permanent employment to earn money. My son is in school now. His school is very small and situated in village area. He is very interested and talented person in Music. He is playing Violin, Eccordion & Saxophone. But in their school doesn’t have equipment to learn. So that, some parents in the school are decided to organize one musical program to earn some money to purchase musical instruments to the school.
It is in progress now. But in order to make crowd we have to invite one or two famous music artist to take part in our program. This is the problem now, their charges and conditions are very high level right now. We can arrange all the other facilities as much as we can, but main problem is the payment for their presents.
We have more than 250 students in our school with different age groups. We all are in same financial difficulties. Our main income is farming. But now due to economic collapse most of our people have no any proper income.
But our children are very talented and they have good ambition to improve their ability and mover for the higher studies with their favourite subject.
So that I am requesting from you to please help us to find 1500 $ for the cost of popular artist for our musical program. Because our children also have no any previous experience such as a Musical show with the famous artist. Their teachers are make them practice with hired equipment.
Would you please help us to find this FUNDS in order to make bright future for our children.
Best regards
Thanking you,
Mohottige Susantha
Norwalk, CA
New York Japanese-American Lions Club Charities, Inc.