Support Virtual Education for Children in Tigray
Tax deductible
It has been more than 3 years since 1.4 million children in Tigray have been denied access to basic education because of a genocidal war waged on the people of Tigray. The impact of this war is astronomical especially on the children with 88% of the classrooms totally destroyed, teachers killed and displaced, schools are abounded, learning equipment's and resource looted, and children traumatized resulting in physical and mental suffering. Stand With Tigray Inc(SWT) and Horn Broadcasting Services (HBS) are aiming to address this major challenge by providing free video lessons through TV broadcasts.
The goal of HBS and Stand With Tigray is to help ameliorate the impact of the war through the educational initiative to reach as many children as possible. They will be partnering to promote, raise funds, recruit volunteers, and resource materials to advance the objectives of the education for Tigray initiative. HBS believes teaching children impacted by the war is a priority. Starting September 22 it's allocating more than 6 hours a day for educational programs broadcasted via TV.
HBS is a not-for-profit educational and informational public media incorporated and registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, United States.
Stand With Tigray Inc is a 501 c (3) based in the United States. SWT was founded to show the world the plight of the people of Tigray who were condemned by a brutal regime under darkness and total war for simply resisting autocracy. It gave voice to those denied and advocated relentlessly for immediate humanitarian assistance, end to the war, use of rape and starvation as weapon of war.
The cost of developing curriculum, lesson plans and lessons appropriate for age and grade is cost prohibitive at an estimated 1.5 million USD, an amount not surmountable by the limited and exhausted resources our community muster. Instead, HBS will primarily rely on open, free very low-cost sources and volunteers to identify, resource, collect, curate and organize videos (and audio when necessary). HBS is asking for your help to cover the cost of satellite broadcast and education resources and will need to raise funds from the community, friends of Tigray, corporates, and all who support the education and well-being of children. The cost is as follows -
$3 per/child to attend TV class-room for entire year
$30 for 10 students to attend TV class-room for an entire year
$100 for 30 students to attend TV class-room for an entire year
$300 will help 100 kids attend a TV class-room for an entire year
Stand With Tigray will donate 100% of the proceeds raised so HBS can embark on this initative.
Stand With Tigray Inc