Help ex-WBC members start a new life
Donation protected
My name's Lauren Danielle Drain and I'm one of several ex Westboro Baptist Church members that were forced to start a new life from scratch outside of the CULT. Some of us left by choice and others banished for questioning the doctrine. In both instances we're forced to start life over after years of brainwashing, indoctrination and near isolation. When I was ostracized I was given a few hours to pack my life into a few suitcases, dropped off by my father at a motel and told to never return, never contact my siblings and that I was now disowned. Anyone that leaves or is kicked out is banished for life and all ties to your family, friends, community, life are severed and you are truly on your own.
Most of the cult is now made up of young children or those in their twenties. These are the people I plan to help, they were BORN into the cult or otherwise indoctrinated as children by their parents and their new community.

(My own 3 younger siblings still stranded in the WBC: Bo - 11, Taylor - 22 & Faith - 9)

(Bo & Faith being forced to mock the NOH8 campaign)
In the past 10 years, some 19 members have been able to escape the clutches of the WBC. Many have struggled to find their way and start from near scratch. Often times the "church" or family leaves the defector with little to no personal possessions and those who are able to plan an escape usually leave quickly with the bare minimums. With more and more young members defecting or being kicked out for questioning the church, I want to set up The Safety Net Project fund for those who need help getting back on their feet once they escape. Be it to help with housing, living essentials, educational needs, travel to reconnect with lost family, or just to explore the new world and see first hand that it is full of LOVE not HATE and EVIL like we have been brainwashed to believe.
Please help me foster positive change (photo of Lauren Drain)
Personally I'm doing my best to help those that have already left, I've even opened my home to them and will continue to do so. This is an opportunity for others to lend a hand and show your support for those willing to change. Together with The Safety Net Project we can help ensure that those willing to escape but are too afraid to do so, know that there are countless people out there willing to help them, accept them, forgive them, guide them and offer up some sort of safety net for starting a new life outside of the cult.

(Chalk drawing on a sidewalk by a recent young escapee)
I do not know what is too much or too little for this fundraiser (The Safety Net Project) but I want to ensure that there is a fund to help out those few who are currently struggling and those who are bound to leave someday. If this is successful in helping even those few that have recently escaped maybe it will set a great example for those others who are thinking of walking away from the only family they've have, the only friends they know, the community they are forced to maintain and the only life they have ever had.
I will be updating everyone here and on my Facebook Fan Page regarding the progress of this fundraiser and the distribution of funds to those that need it now or in the future. I hope that we can provide some level of comfort for those looking to change for the better and walk away from the WBC.
Thank you for your help!
Lauren Drain
Sister to Taylor, Bo & Faith
Author of BANISHED: Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church
Most of the cult is now made up of young children or those in their twenties. These are the people I plan to help, they were BORN into the cult or otherwise indoctrinated as children by their parents and their new community.

(My own 3 younger siblings still stranded in the WBC: Bo - 11, Taylor - 22 & Faith - 9)

(Bo & Faith being forced to mock the NOH8 campaign)
In the past 10 years, some 19 members have been able to escape the clutches of the WBC. Many have struggled to find their way and start from near scratch. Often times the "church" or family leaves the defector with little to no personal possessions and those who are able to plan an escape usually leave quickly with the bare minimums. With more and more young members defecting or being kicked out for questioning the church, I want to set up The Safety Net Project fund for those who need help getting back on their feet once they escape. Be it to help with housing, living essentials, educational needs, travel to reconnect with lost family, or just to explore the new world and see first hand that it is full of LOVE not HATE and EVIL like we have been brainwashed to believe.

Personally I'm doing my best to help those that have already left, I've even opened my home to them and will continue to do so. This is an opportunity for others to lend a hand and show your support for those willing to change. Together with The Safety Net Project we can help ensure that those willing to escape but are too afraid to do so, know that there are countless people out there willing to help them, accept them, forgive them, guide them and offer up some sort of safety net for starting a new life outside of the cult.

(Chalk drawing on a sidewalk by a recent young escapee)
I do not know what is too much or too little for this fundraiser (The Safety Net Project) but I want to ensure that there is a fund to help out those few who are currently struggling and those who are bound to leave someday. If this is successful in helping even those few that have recently escaped maybe it will set a great example for those others who are thinking of walking away from the only family they've have, the only friends they know, the community they are forced to maintain and the only life they have ever had.
I will be updating everyone here and on my Facebook Fan Page regarding the progress of this fundraiser and the distribution of funds to those that need it now or in the future. I hope that we can provide some level of comfort for those looking to change for the better and walk away from the WBC.
Thank you for your help!
Lauren Drain
Sister to Taylor, Bo & Faith
Author of BANISHED: Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church
Lauren Danielle
Hartford, CT